

What is made of star clusters dust gases and planets?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is made of star clusters dust gases and planets?
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A comet is made up of icy dust particles and frozen gases such as water, carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia. When a comet comes closer to the sun, these ices can vaporize and form a glowing coma and a tail.

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A comet is an object that has a tail made of gases and dust.

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While terrestrial planets are made of rock and have gases in the atmosphere, jovian planets are made almost entirly of gases. If an atmosphere is made of gases in a planet, then the atmosphere of the planets with more gases will be thicker.

Which planet is made of gas and dust?

All of the planets contain gas and dust. The four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are more dense and made up mostly of rock, while the four outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) are all mainly made from Hydrogen and helium gas, along with some ices and other gases. The outer planets have rocky moons though, and rings made from rock, dust and ice.

Are larger solar systems made of gas and dust?

No. They are made mainly of stars and planets. The stars and planets came from gas and dust.

What planets are just made of gases?

Type your answer here... all planets are made of gasses

What are the two major ways that the terrestrial planets and the jovian planets differ?

The four inner planets are made of rock . The outer planets are made of various gases and condenced gases. Hydrogen being prominante.

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