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Solar System

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Q: What is made up of a star and the objects around it?
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A star and all the objects that reolve around it make up a?

a star and a goup of objects that revolve around it make up a

Is a solar system made up of stars and objects that surround it?

Yes, a solar system is a collection of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other objects that orbit around a star (usually a single central star like our sun). The gravitational pull of the star holds these objects in orbit around it.

What are the main forces that make up a star?

Objects are not made of forces. A star is made of hydrogen, helium and, later in its life, heavier elements.

What is made up of the sun and all the objects that orbit around it?

The Solar System.

What is a shooting made of?

A shooting star is made up of rocks then they go around a planet to get more speed then they go and crash on the earth or rome around it; a comet

What is a star that is made up of only neutrons?

A neutron star is one that is entirely made up of neutrons.

What is star made of?

star is made up of hot gases star is made up up of hot gases

Death of a star?

A star dies out when the gases that the star is made up of burns out

All objects are made up of what?


Is the force from Star Wars real?

No. The 'force', from Star Wars, is an idea based around engery sorrounding the Star Wars universe. It is made up, and not real.

What is a star mostly made up of?


Is the sun made up fire?

No, it is a star