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The Solar System.

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Q: What is made up of the sun and all the objects that orbit around it?
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What is geocentric vs heliocentric?

The Geocentric Theory states that the Earth is the center of the universe, and that all other objects orbit around it. The Heliocentric Theory states that the Sun is the center of the universe, and all other objects orbit around it. Of course, the Heliocentric Theory is correct, since all astronomical objects orbit around the Sun.

What is made up of the sun and all the objects that orbit it?

The Solar System!!

What is made up of the sun all the objects that orbit it?

The Solar System!!

Do the rings move on Saturn?

Saturn's rings are made up of many small objects, rock and ice, that are in orbit around Saturn. Because all the object move, the rings can be said to move.

What do all the objects in your solar system orbit?

The sun

What contributions did Galileo Galilei make to your world?

Galileo Galilei proved that objects in the solar system orbit around the sun, not the earth. He found this out by observing variations in venus's phases that could not be explained if all objects orbited the earth

Does Sedna the planet orbit another star?

Sedna, like all objects in our Solar System orbit the Sun. The Sun and thus everything else, also orbit around the central core of our Galaxy - The Milky Way.

What term refers to our sun and the objects that orbit around it?

The term used for the sun and the objects that move around it is solar stem. This is what contains the other planets.

What are the sun and all the objects that orbit the sun called?


What objects that travel around the sun?

There are many objects that orbit the sun: Planets (and all of their moons, totaling more than 61), the asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and other rocks and gas.

Which objects orbit is even more eccentric than the orbit of mercury?

Pluto's is, and almost all of the comets' are.

How do all planets orbit the sun?

Through gravitational pull. The largest object will have smaller objects orbit it (objects close in size will orbit each other, but no planet is close to the size of the sun)