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Minerals are often complex molecules comprising many elements. Emerald or Be3Al2(SiO3)6 is comprised of beryllium (Be), aluminum(Al), oxygen (O) and silicon (Si). The mineral Topaz, Al2SiO4(FOH)3, also contains iron (Fe) and hydrogen (H).

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Q: What is made up of one or more minerals?
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A what is made up of one or more what?

rock and minerals

What made rocks?

Rocks which are made of minerals can be made up of many minerals and they can also be made up of only one mineral. Generally rocks are made of two or more minerals

What rocks made of?

Rocks which are made of minerals can be made up of many minerals and they can also be made up of only one mineral. Generally rocks are made of two or more minerals

Is a mineral made up of more than one rock?

No. It is the other way around. A rock is made up of one or more minerals.

What is one difference in how rocks and minerals are classified?

A rock is made of 2 or more minerals, minerals make up rocks but rocks cannot make up minerals.

What is an inorganic substance made up of one or more minerals?

Generally, rock.

Non-living substances made up of one or more minerals are known as?


Non living substances made up of one or more minerals are known as?


What is a compound minerals?

a compound mineral is a mineral that is made up of more than one element

What makes up a rock-?

A mixture of one or more minerals or mineral-like materials

How can there be 2000 minerals when there are only 88 naturally occurring elements?

The reason why there are more minerals than the number of elements is because minerals are not made up of a single element only. They are made of more than one elements and in some case a combination of elements .

Are most minerals made of rock?

No. It is more appropriate to say that rocks are naturally occurring substances made up of of minerals.