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Cluster headache is the term used in the ICHD-II, which is the diagnostic tool used by Migraine and headache specialists to diagnose headache disorders throughout the world. Another nickname is "suicide headache".

For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, seek the help of a qualified and board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

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Q: What is main term of cluster headache?
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What is the worst headache you can get?

cluster headache

What is the meaning of cluster head?

A cluster head is the same thing as a cluster head ache. A cluster headache is a rare type of migraine headache that occurs on one side of the head and can occur several times a day.

What is mean of cluster head?

A cluster head is the same thing as a cluster head ache. A cluster headache is a rare type of migraine headache that occurs on one side of the head and can occur several times a day.

Is cluster headache deadly?

Cluster headache is not considered deadly, however its nickname is "suicide headache" and patients are more likely than non cluster patients to try or complete suicide. For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and information on Migraine and headache disorders, please seek the help of a board certified Migraine and headache specialist.

What is the main symptom of cluster headaches?

The primary cluster headache symptom is excruciating one-sided head pain centered behind an eye or near the temple. This pain may radiate outward from the initial focus and encompass the mouth and teeth.

How can youfly with cluster headaches?

Flying with cluster headache is not much more difficult than generally living life with cluster headache. Oxygen tanks (usually the preferred therapy for cluster headaches) can be taken on board a plane because it is medical equipment. So can injections and other medicines, etc. Some airlines require a fee be paid for oxygen tanks to ride with a passenger. Contact the airline and ask for specific instructions for the flight you will be taking.

How are cluster headaches diagnosed?

Cluster headache symptoms guide the diagnosis. A medical examination includes recording headache details, such as frequency and duration, when it occurs, pain intensity and location, possible triggers, and any prior symptoms.

What is the scientific name for the headache?

The scientific name for a headache is cephalalgia.

The name for recurrent type of headache?

There are many types of recurrent headaches. Migraines, cluster headaches, and chronic daily headache being the prime candidates.

What is the medical term meaning a cluster of boils?

A cluster of furuncles is called a carbuncle.

What is the main concern of headache sufferers?

my concern is (What is causing the Headache)

How do you differentiate migraine from cluster headaches?

Migraine and cluster headache vary in several ways. However, there can often be crossover in symptoms, so appropriate diagnosis is best done by a headache specialist. Some of the most definitive differences include:Time: Migraine often lasts for several hours to days, cluster headache is very short lived - usually just minutes.Activity level: Migraine patients need to lay down and sleep. Cluster patients are extremely restless and vocal, often moving about, even banging their heads against the wall.Repetition: Migraine is more consistent throughout a day. Cluster headache may repeat many times in a day.Oxygen: Migraine will not usually change much with oxygen treatment, while treatment with oxygen can be extremely and quickly effective for cluster headache.