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In humans a male reproductive cell is the sperm, while the female reproductive cell is the egg.

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Q: What is male or female reproductive cell?
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Is the female reproductive cell able to reproduce without a male reproductive cell?

No , it is not possible to produce a baby's cell ( zygote ) without a male reproductive cell ( sperm ) to fertilise it .But a female's reproductive cell ( egg ) can be produced without a sperm .It is possible to transfer a sperm into the ovum of a female through a surgery .

What is a sperm or egg?

Sperm and egg cells are gametes, or reproductive cells. The sperm is the male reproductive cell. The egg is the female reproductive cell.

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What is the union of reproductive cell from a male and one from a female called?


What is the union of a reproductive cell from a male and one from a female called?


What would be produced when male reproductive cells join with a female reproductive cell?

it means when a female and a male and they produce a baby and the baby grows up it gives birth

What is a reproductive cell these are sperm in the male and ova in the female?

gamete for female it is the ova for male it is the sperm

Produces male and female sex cell via meiosis?

Reproductive system.

What part of female reproductive system produces sperm cell?

No part of the female reproductive system produces a sperm cell. Sperm is produced in the seminiferous tubules of the male testes.

A female reproductive cell is?

A female reproductive cell is called an ovum

What is fertilizaton?

the process of fusion of male reproductive cell called sperm and female reproductive cell iss known as fertilisation