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Q: What is materials that inhibits the flow of electricity?
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What inhibits the flow of electricity?

A resistor inhibits the flow of electricity by varying degrees, depending on value.Total inhibition is provided by an insulator.Resistance or Impediance (magnetic fields), or a combination of both impede electrical flow.

What in electricity is like friction and tends to reduce the amount of current flow like buildup in a pipe reduces water flow?

Resistance inhibits current flow.

What materials will conduct the flow of electricity?

While electricity doesn't flow, current does. Conductors are materials that allow the electrical currents to flow through them. Metals are the best conduction, such as silver and copper.

What do we call materials that do not allow the flow of electricity?


Materials that electricity cannot flow through?

Note that "electricity" doesn't flow, only current does, which is one aspect of electricity, does. Current is the flow of electrons. The main materials that do not allow the easy flow of electrons are rubber, nylon wood, glass, ceramic, plastic and free air.

Materials such as glass or ceramic that resist the flow of electricity?


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List 5 materials that electricity does not flow through well?

1.rubber 3.plastic 4.wood 5.cloths This are some materials that electricity not flow through (I think)

Is electricity a compound or element?

Electricity is a physical phenomenon (flow of electrons in materials) not a compound, mixture or element.

Is electricity a compound mixture or element?

Electricity is a physical phenomenon (flow of electrons in materials) not a compound, mixture or element.