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Osbaldo Fadel

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3y ago
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4mo ago

The process of matter changing from a liquid to a gas is called evaporation. It occurs when the kinetic energy of the particles in the liquid overcomes the intermolecular forces holding them together, causing them to escape and become a gas.

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16y ago

Isn't it evaporation?

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Q: What is matter changing from liquid to a gas called?
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What is the change of matter from gas to liquid?

The change of matter from gas to liquid is called condensation. This occurs when a gas loses heat energy, causing its particles to slow down and come closer together, forming a liquid.

What means to change from a gas to liquid?

The process of a gas changing into a liquid is called condensation. The process of changing a solid into a gas is called sublimation.

What means to change from liquid to a gas?

The process of a gas changing into a liquid is called condensation. The process of changing a solid into a gas is called sublimation.

When liquid is changing to gas?

The process of gas changed to liquid is called Condensation.

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What is a process of a gas changing to an liquid?

This is called condensation when a gas changes into a liquid.

What is Solid changing to a gas called?

A solid changing to a gas without becoming a liquid first is called sublimation.

What do you call liquid that changes to gas?

The process of a liquid changing to a gas is called vaporization.

Evaporation occurs between which states of matter?

Changing a liquid to a gas.

What is a liquid changing into a gas such as water changing into water vapor called?

The process of a liquid changing into a gas is called evaporation. In the case of water changing into water vapor, it is specifically known as vaporization.

When you change a gas to a liquid that is called?

Changing a gas to a liquid is called condensing or condensation they mean the same thing

What is the changing from a gas to a liquid called?

The changing from a gas to a liquid is called condensation. This process occurs when a gas loses energy and transforms into a liquid state.