

What is meals?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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10y ago

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It is plan about food.

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Bailee Hand

Lvl 10
1y ago
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Q: What is meals?
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Who attended Roman meals?

Roman meals were family meals. Other people who attended the meals were guests who were invited.

Why do the Romans have 3 meals everyday?

The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.The Romans have three meals a day for the same reason that we have three meals a day. They were hungry.

What Comment on the number of units by meals?

What comment can be made on number of meals = 570000/meals=278000?

Why is it healthy to eat five meals?

If the five meals are small in size,then they are better then four heavy meals.

How many syllables does meals have?

Meals has one syllable.

What are heat and serve meals?

meals that you microwave and serve

Five meals a day?

It depends, are you trying to spread out your meals more? It is better for you by doing so, but your meals should be smaller then the average 3 three meals a day.

What are Senior meals on wheels?

Meals on wheels is a service that deliver meals to individuals who are unable to cook or prepare their own food. Senior meals on wheel is a derivative of this, providing meals to seniors, but do not charge, or charges very little for the service.

How many meals do people eat in Argentina?

4 meals a day, two cold and two hot meals

How many meals do egyptians get a day?

they had 4 meals a day!

Why do people work for meals on wheels?

To give meals to the homeless.

When was Mary's Meals created?

Mary's Meals was created in 1992.