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Facilitated diffusion (or facilitated transport) is a form of passive transport that is facilitated by transport proteins. Most often it is used to transport polarized molecules (such as glucose and amino acids) across the cell membrane.

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14y ago

Some substances diffuse across cell membrane more rapidly than you might expect from the chemical properties of these substance.This type of transport called FACILITATED DIFFUSION.

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10y ago

Facilitated diffusion is a spontaneous passage of ions or molecules on a biological membrane passing through certain trans-membrane proteins. More information on facilitated diffusion can be found on the site WiseGeek.

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By what process are bacteria brought into a cell?

Faciliated diffusion

Does faciliated diffusion require energy?

Yes, faciliated diffusion is when a cell uses energy to maintain homeostasis, but regular diffusion is when homeostasis occurs without using energy.

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b and c active transpot and faciliated

What happens during the process of faciliated diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion is a passive transport process where specific proteins in the cell membrane help larger or charged molecules pass through. These proteins act as channels or carriers, allowing molecules to move down their concentration gradient without requiring energy input from the cell. This process is important for the movement of substances like glucose and ions across the cell membrane.

How does faciliated diffusion differ from simple diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion needs some sort of help. Often it would be a protein. Simple diffusion doesn't. If you spill something smelly on the floor in the kitchen, you will smell it all through the house. It will spread by simple diffusion.

How is faciliated transport similar to simple diffusion?

Facilitated and simple diffusion both transport solutes along a concentration gradient and neither processes require any ATP expenditure.

What type of transport is faciliated diffusion?

Neither of these require energy. Diffusion occurs naturally when a higher concentration of a substance exists on one side of a membrane than the other; molecules will enter into the area of lesser concentration until there is an equilibrium on both sides. Active transport requires the energy of the cell.

What is diffusion a natural movement of molecules from?

in the normal diffusion the substance move from the area of greater concentration to that of lower concentration. .... but i never know what do we mean be "faciliated" plz specify

What is faciliated diffusion?

movement of specific molecules across cell membranes through protein channels

How does the structure of the plasma membrane determines the route taken by vitamin C and vitamin D?

Vitamin C is water soluable so the only way it can be transported is by faciliated difficusion using a channel protein. Channel proteins allow polar, watersoluable substances and ions to pass across the cell membrane using faciliated diffusion. Vitamin D is lipid soluble therefore it can pass through using simple diffusion because the phospholipid bilayer lets it pass through down its concentration gradient.

What is normatic diffusion in human resource management industries?

I think someone meant to say "nomadic" diffusion which is part of the Law of Diffusion and innovation in anthropology and geography.