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Simple and facilitated diffusion are a part of passive transport. This refers to the movement of molecules, atoms and ions across the cell membrane. In both of these processes, molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration because equilibrium is trying to be maintained in living organisms. Simple diffusion just happens randomly and without any aides. Facilitated diffusion uses proteins in the cell membrane to guide polar molecules and ions in and out of the membrane (always to areas of lower concentration) and DOES NOT require ENERGY.

Only active diffusion requires energy.

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The process that doesn't require energy is faciliated diffusion

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Q: In facilitated diffusion which process does not require energy?
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What is the difference between passive diffusion and facilitated diffusion?

Passive diffusion is what naturally happens without any assistance of any sort. Facilitated diffusion requires extra energy from extra sources to happen.

Why does active transport require more energy than osmosis or facilitated diffusion?

Active transport requires more energy than diffusion this is because during active transport, the molecules are being transported against and toward the concentration gradient whereas in diffusion, the molecules go from the concentration gradient.

What does active transport and facilitated diffusion have in common?

Active transport is when proteins move substances into the cell while expending energy. Facilitated diffusion is the movement of chemicals through a protein into a cell.

Facilitated transport means?

Facilitated diffusion Facilitated diffusion in cell membrane, showing ion channels and carrier proteins Facilitated diffusion (or facilitated transport) is a process of diffusion, a form of passive transport facilitated by transport proteins. The facilitated diffusion may occur either across biological membranes or through aqueous compartments of an organism. Polar molecules and charged ions are dissolved in water but they can not diffuse freely across cell membranes due to the hydrophobic nature of the lipids that make up the lipid bilayers. Only small nonpolar molecules, such as oxygen can diffuse easily across the membrane. All polar molecules should be transported across membranes by proteins that form transmembrane channels. These channels are gated so they can open and close, thus regulating the flow of ions or small polar molecules. Larger molecules are transported by transmembrane carrier proteins, such as permeases that change their conformation as the molecules are carried through, for example glucose or amino acids. Non-polar molecules, such as retinol or fatty acids are poorly soluble in water. They are transported through aqueous compartments of cells or through extracellular space by water-soluble carriers as retinol binding protein. The metabolites are not changed because no energy is required for facilitated diffusion. Only permease changes its shape in order to transport the metabolites. The form of transport through cell membrane which modifies its metabolites is the group translocation transportation.

How do diffusion osmosis facilitated diffusion and active transport diffusion differ?

Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration. e.g. Exchange of gases in the lungs or body tissues. Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane from an area of low solute to an area of high solute concentration. Faciliated diffusion is the passive transport of molecules down a concentration gradient. It is simply diffusion that involves a protein to make diffusion happen more easily across a cell membrane. Active transport is the moving of substances across the cell membrane using the cell's energy. Molecules are moved against a concentration gradient, i.e they move from an area of lesser concentration to an area of greater concentration. Tlhis is done by a carrier molecules which gets its energy from ATP.

Related questions

Does the facilitated diffusion not require the cell to use energy?

It does not require the use of the cells energy.

Is osmosis an example of facilitated diffusion or active transport?

No. Facilitated diffusion is an example of passive transport because it does not require the cell to expend energy.

What process requires energy from the cell?

facilitated diffusion

How is facilitated diffusion diferant froma an active transport?

Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport which does not require the cell to expend energy.

Do cells gain and then use energy through facilitated diffusion?

Cells do not gain (or use) energy through facilitated diffusion.

Which process requires no energy from the cell?

Facilitated diffusion.

How is active transport different than simple and facilitated diffusion?

simple and facilitated diffusion don't require energy and are forms of passive transport. Active transport requires energy

What are the three transport processes that do not require cell energy?

Passive Transport,Facilitated Diffusion, and Simple Diffusion

Is the following sentence true or false Facilitated diffusion does not require the to use energy?

No. Facilitated diffusion is just diffusion through membrane proteins. But, it is still diffusion and the net movement of molecules is from high to low concentration and therefore does not require added energy. -H. C =)

What two processes transport materials through the semi-permable membrane?

Considering the cell membrane itself, processes include diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion (passive processes that do not require energy) and active transport (an active process that requires energy).

What motion of particles across a membrane requires energy?

Movement across a membrane that does require energy is called active transport.

Do facilitated diffusion require energy?

No energy is needed because it's a part of passive transport, not active transport.