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loudness is the magnitude of wave of sound(the highest point reached by the wave).

intensity is frequency of sound (that's how much a wave vibrates in 1 second)

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Q: What is meant by intensity of sound how it is different from loudness?
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Related questions

Is the loudness of a sound is called its intensity?

Yes the loudness of a sound is called its intensity.

What is meant by the intensity of a sound?

The loudness has to do with the sound field quantity called sound pressure or sound pressure level (SPL). The sound intensity or acoustic intensity means the sound energy quantity.

The loudness of a sound wave is determined by its?

By its amplitude. Really loudness is sound intensity & intensity depends on square of amplitude ie. higher the amplitude higher the intensity which means higher the loudness.

WHAT IS The loudness of sound called?


What is the loudness or the softness of sound?

intensity :)

The loudness of a sound is a reflection of?


The loudness or strength of a sound is its?

intensity. :)

What is different between loudness and intensity?

Loudness of sound: Loudness is that characteristic of sound by which we can distinguish between a loud and a faint sound.It depends upon amplitude, area of vibrating body, intensity and condition of ear. Intensity of sound: Sound energy flowing per second through a unit area held perpendicularly to the direction of sound waves is called the intensity of sound.Its unit is W/m2.

Is sound intensity subjective or is loudness subjective Why?

Sound intensity is objective, because it's just a measure of the sound power per unit area. Loudness is subjective, because it has to take into account the sensitivity of the ear and its different responses to different frequencies in the sound. A sound with a frequency of 45 kHz would have no "loudness", since our ears don't respond to that frequency at all. But it would still have intensity, because the sound is still carrying energy.

Compare and conyrast loudness and intensity?

Sound intensity or acoustic intensity can be calculated from the objective measurement of the sound pressure. The loudness is a psycho-acoustic subjective feeling, which is difficult to measure.

What is loudness and softness of sound measured in?


What is meant by the loudness of sound?

Loudness is the quality of a sound that is the primary psychological correlate of physical strength (amplitude). It is a feeling, which is neither the sound pressure as field quantity nor the acoustic intensity as energy quantity. Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness - Wikipedia".