

What is meant by organic analogy?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is meant by organic analogy?
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sorry I meant organic farming

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It is an organic compound, CH2=CH-CH2OH is propenol.However it's more likely you have meant C2H5OH which is ethanol (standard alcohol), also organic.

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Talcott Parsons was the 20th-century sociologist who dismissed the organic analogy of society but maintained the essence of functionalism by using the terms functions and dysfunctions. He argued that society is a complex system with various interconnected parts that work together to maintain social order and stability.

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PROM also stands for phosphate rich organic manure.

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It means that the people who own the company, are tring to buy the "organic materials". It means that the people who own the company, are tring to buy the "organic materials". It means that the people who own the company, are tring to buy the "organic materials".

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Robert Merton

What is meant by conducting organic materials?

It means that the people who own the company, are tring to buy the "organic materials". It means that the people who own the company, are tring to buy the "organic materials". It means that the people who own the company, are tring to buy the "organic materials".

What is meant by an 'organic' condition?

An organic condition is a condition or disease that has an identifiable organic cause, meaning that it is caused by a dysfunction of an organ or enzyme system. This is in contrast to a psychiatric or functional condition, in which there is no identifiable cause found for the condition.

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analogy for a ship is analogy for a ship so its an analogy