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Q: What is meant by people in militia?
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What type of people joined the militia group?

It would be the people who don't like the continental army.Mostly farmers would join the militia.

What is 2nd admendment?

The 2nd admendment is “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The meaning of it is "A well-regulated Militia"-the army of america up until very recently in history was a militia and was meant to be a militia as stated by the 2nd admendment. "being necessary to the security of a free State" - this is pointing out that america's militia's are neccisary to preserving freedom. " the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - arms refurse to any military weopon and the right not being infringed means that because the freedom of the nation is dependent on the people having armiments to defend the nation in malitia's the people must not have any restrictions on there rights.

What was the militia like in 1492?

killing people

Which Amendment in the Bill of Rights promises this liberty Amendment - Citizens have the right to bear arms.?

The second amendment gives the right of militia and to bear arms. The thing you have to remember that when it was written there were flintlock guns that only could shoot one shot and the amendment was meant for protection by the militia not for people to own military type weapons that we have today.

Use militia in a sentence?

As a lieutenant-colonel in the Norfolk militia he was obliged to take part in the military exercises of the neighborhood and to muster troops.

Who are the 3 people who warned the militia the british were going to lexington?


In 1862 congress introduced what militia law?

In 1862, Congress introduced a militia law that required states to use conscription, which is the drafting of people for military services.

How do you use militia in a sentence?

Militia is civil soldiers. militia helps army when required.

Who is in the Northeast Kansas Militia?

The Northeast Kansas Militia is a group of concerned citizens. The 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution says "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The ability to form a militia is the right of every man and woman in America. There could be any number of situations that may arise, the Kansas Militia, and Northeast Kansas Militia is on watch.

Which group was sent to restore orders during shay rebellion?

Massachusetts Militia

What role did the militia play in the early tensions between the colonies and great Britain?

The militia played a big role in early tensions between the colonies and Great Britain. For example, the minute men were militia men trained to right on a minutes notice. They were the people who fought the British in the battle of Lexington and Concord.

What is the synanyms of militia?

The synonym for "militia" is "army".