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Why drugs are still used if they have side effects? -I feel that doctors prescribe meds with risks of some side effects because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of the side effects. That is why your docter monitors you while on the med to make sure you are not effected greatly by the side effects. Where there is a positive there is a negitive. -Side effects are unintentional effects apart from the intended effect of the drug. Drug side effects usually vary per person, and a lot of the time are just possibilities, not certainties. That is why, as the previous answer states, you are monitored by a doctor while using a drug with potentially dangerous or lethal side effects. Yes, side effects can include death. (:0) For example, side effects of a pill could include rectal bleeding. This is not the desired effect of the drug, just a possible, and most of the time unwanted, effect of using a sexual impotency drug.

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Q: What is meant by side effects of a drug why are side effects produced and why are drugs still used if they have side effects?
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I think that it might be because it is naturally grown. other drugs such as cocaine have added drugs and chemicals in it. But all drugs are still bad for you, just because of the side effects. Hope this helped! :)

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How long until extacy effects wareoff?

depends on how much you took, what the quality was, your personal experience with drugs, your weight, and your mental state. after about 6-8 hours the main effects should be gone, but up to a week after words you can still feel the after effects of E if you are really sensitive.

What does drugs cause?

This is a very vague question, different drugs cause different things, some cause nothing at all. Tobacco can cause lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, high blood pressure, or gum infection. Harder drugs like Heroin, Cocaine, or Methamphetamine can cause severe addiction, loss of brain function, comas, death, heart failure, or infections. Soft drugs like Marijuana have less effects than Tobacco, but can still harm your health, like low blood pressure. Legal drugs like Salvia dinorum do not have any long term effects. Clinical, over-the-counter drugs like Advil, Ibuprofen, or Tylenol have different effects on different people depending on your body chemistry, age, weight, height, and your family's history with drugs. Some side effects can be swelling, nausea, headaches, dependency, diareeah, and drowsyness. Prescription drugs can have some potentially fatal side effects such as severe swelling, comas, depression, heart failure, and high blood pressure. If you are pregnant or nursing it is really not suggested that you take any form of drugs, and if not possible, to take as little as possible because the baby is still very sensitive and a variation in its body chemistry could be fatal.

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Is phenobarbital still used to treat epilepsy?

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