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What is meant by the statement You cannot teach ethics?

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Q: What is meant by the statement You cannot teach ethics?
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Lead by example. Teach someone good ethics by practicing them yourself.

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Lead by example. Teach someone good ethics by practicing them yourself.

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A philosophy statement communicates your goals and feelings about a subject. For instance, a philosophy statement for teachers might describe how you teach, what your goals for teaching are, and a justification for how you teach.

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Judaism is a religion that strives to teach ethics by way of using strict commandments.

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A message that is meant to teach a lesson about human nature is called a fable.

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No, I cannot.

What is another word for aducate?

There is no such word as 'aducate'. If you meant 'educate', then 'teach' is a synonym. If you meant 'adjudicate', then 'judge' is a synonym.

How you use ethics in a sentence?

They used ethics to teach the child right from wrong. If you're late on a day-to-day basis, that is unethical. You have a contract with your employer that you should honor. (corrected for grammar) now - to use ethics in a sentence depends on the usage. Ethics is a plural noun, and takes either a singular or plural verb: Ethics is and Ethics are are both correct. Your ear may help you. Which sounds best in the context you are using?