


Ethics and Morality

Ethics is about what we should – and should not - do. It includes identification of basic principles, e.g. the prerogatives of property owners; and the application of those principles to actual situations, e.g. copyright protection of intellectual property over the Internet.

2,718 Questions

What are the causes of immoral behavior in secondary schools in Kenya?

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Immoral behavior in secondary schools in Kenya can be caused by factors such as peer pressure, lack of parental guidance and supervision, exposure to violent or explicit media content, ineffective disciplinary measures in schools, and societal influences that do not prioritize moral values. Additionally, issues like substance abuse, mental health challenges, and poor role modeling can also contribute to immoral behavior among students.

Who does the earth belong to?

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The Earth does not belong to any specific individual or group. It is a shared resource for all living beings to coexist and thrive. It is our responsibility to protect and preserve the Earth for future generations.

What is ethics concerned with?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Ethics is concerned with defining what is right or wrong, and guiding behavior based on moral principles and values. It involves determining what actions are permissible, permissible, or obligatory in various situations. Ethics helps individuals and societies make decisions that align with their values and principles.

What are the ethical issues of artificial selection?

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Asked by Wiki User

Artificial selection raises ethical concerns related to the welfare of animals, potential loss of genetic diversity, and exploitation of living organisms for human benefit. There are also concerns about the unintended consequences of selective breeding, such as health problems in certain breeds of animals. Additionally, there are ethical considerations around the notion of playing "creator" by manipulating the genetic makeup of organisms.

What ethical consideration affects business practice in foreign countries?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

One ethical consideration that affects business practice in foreign countries is respecting cultural differences. Companies must be mindful of local customs, norms, and values to avoid offending the local population or causing harm. Additionally, ensuring fair treatment of workers and adherence to international labor laws is another important ethical consideration in foreign business operations.

What is an example of an ethical decision?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of an ethical decision is choosing to be honest with your boss when reporting a mistake you made at work, even if it may have negative consequences for you. This decision demonstrates integrity, accountability, and respect for others.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of everyone being the same?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages:no more jealousy,no more hatred,competition,fights,depends on the kind of person you are things would just run smooth

What are some things that could go wrong in cloning?

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Some potential issues in cloning include genetic abnormalities, low success rates, shortened lifespan, and unintended mutations. The process is complex and can result in variations from the original organism. Ethical concerns also arise regarding the treatment of cloned animals.

Is cloning good or bad?

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The ethics of cloning are debated. Cloning can offer potential benefits in medicine and agriculture, such as producing needed organs for transplant or improving crop yields. However, there are concerns about the ethical implications of cloning, such as potential harm to the cloned individual and issues of individuality and identity.

Who coined the term 'animal cloning'?

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Asked by Wiki User

The term "animal cloning" was likely coined by scientists in the field of biotechnology and genetics during the development of techniques to clone animals, such as Dolly the sheep in 1996. The term refers to the process of creating a genetically identical copy of an animal.

What do all cultures have in common?

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Asked by Wiki User

All cultures have language, social organization, food practices, and rituals as common characteristics. These elements contribute to the shared experiences and ways of life within different cultural groups.

Who are stakeholders of animal cloning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stakeholders in animal cloning include scientists, researchers, biotechnology companies, regulators, animal welfare organizations, and the general public. These stakeholders have various interests and concerns related to the ethical, social, economic, and environmental implications of animal cloning.

What 10 reasons why cloning is bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Ethical concerns about playing "creator" with life.
  2. Loss of genetic diversity and potential for negative long-term consequences.
  3. Uncertainty about the effect on individual identity and sense of self.
  4. Potential for exploitation and misuse in areas like human cloning.

What is good about animal cloning?

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Asked by Wiki User

Animal cloning can help in preserving endangered species, improving livestock genetics, and advancing medical research by producing genetically identical animals for experimental purposes. It also offers a way to replicate desirable traits in animals, such as disease resistance or milk production, that can benefit both agriculture and conservation efforts.

Was is ethical to do this study of the Stanford experiment?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Stanford Prison Experiment has raised ethical concerns due to the psychological harm experienced by participants. The study lacked proper informed consent and debriefing procedures, which are essential ethical standards in research involving human subjects. Additionally, the power dynamics established in the study were not adequately monitored, leading to the mistreatment of participants.

Is researching on the internet about a patient's behavior ethical according to the readings?

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Asked by Wiki User

Researching a patient's behavior without their explicit consent can be considered unethical as it violates their privacy and confidentiality. It is important to obtain informed consent from the patient before gathering information about them from the internet. Respecting the autonomy and privacy of the patient should always be a priority in healthcare settings.

Why does Bruce Jenner talk funny?

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Bruce Jenner, now known as Caitlyn Jenner, has been open about undergoing vocal training to adjust her voice to be more aligned with her gender identity as a trans woman. Changes in pitch, tone, and speech patterns can be part of the gender transition process for some transgender individuals. It's important to use the correct name and pronouns for Caitlyn Jenner.

Which statement about the American Psychological Association (APA) ethics code is false?

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Asked by Wiki User

One false statement about the APA ethics code could be: "The APA ethics code only applies to psychologists working in private practice." In reality, the code applies to all psychologists regardless of their workplace setting.

Is Bruce Jenner dressing like a woman?

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Bruce Jenner, who now goes by Caitlyn Jenner, has publicly embraced her identity as a woman. She has shared her transition journey with the public, including changes in her appearance and how she chooses to express her gender identity through clothing and style. It's important to respect her for living authentically and being true to herself.

Is edward Jenner related to Bruce Jenner?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Edward Jenner, the English physician who developed the smallpox vaccine, is not related to Bruce Jenner, the former Olympic athlete and reality TV star who is now known as Caitlyn Jenner. They are not connected in terms of family or ancestry.

Is Blake Jenner realted to Bruce Jenner?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Blake Jenner is not related to Bruce Jenner. They do not share a familial relationship.

What is the name of the historic oath that still forms the ideal of medical behaviour and the basis for the AMA code of Ethics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hippocratic oath

one of the oldest documents in history written by hippocrates and is still held sacred by physicians today

When did Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner marry?

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Kris Jenner and Bruce Jenner were married on April 21, 1991. They got divorced in 2015.

Why is materialism dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Materialism can be dangerous because it can lead to a focus on acquiring wealth and possessions as sources of happiness, leading to a lack of concern for ethical or spiritual values. It can also contribute to unsustainable consumption patterns that harm the environment and perpetuate social inequality. Additionally, prioritizing material possessions over personal relationships can lead to loneliness and a lack of fulfillment in life.

Why people cheat in exams?

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Asked by Wiki User

People may cheat in exams due to pressure to perform well, lack of preparation, fear of failure, or a desire for a competitive advantage. Some individuals may also cheat due to a lack of moral character or a belief that the end justifies the means.