

Business Etiquette

Business etiquette is the set of rules of conduct which allows smoother social interactions in a business organization. In particular, office etiquette applies to the interaction between colleagues and how a person behaves in the office.

455 Questions

Why are your house plant leaves peeling?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peeling leaves on houseplants can be caused by lack of humidity, overwatering, underwatering, or pest infestations. Ensure your plant is getting the right amount of water and humidity levels, while also checking for any signs of pests. Trim off any damaged leaves to promote new growth.

What is a cold transfer?

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A cold transfer is when a call center agent transfers a call to another agent or department without introducing the caller or providing context. This can lead to a negative customer experience due to the lack of continuity and information transfer.

Is it considered acceptable for colleagues who know you not to return emails and phone calls?

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Asked by Mindseyemedia

No, it is generally considered unacceptable for colleagues to not return emails and phone calls. It is important for professional communication and collaboration to respond in a timely manner to ensure work efficiency and maintain positive relationships in the workplace.

What are the practical applications of theory X and Theory Y to motivate employees?

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Asked by Wiki User

Theory X and Theory Y can be applied to motivate employees by recognizing that different individuals may be motivated by different approaches. Theory X assumes employees are inherently lazy and need to be closely supervised and controlled, while Theory Y assumes employees are self-motivated and can be empowered to take initiative. By understanding these theories, managers can tailor their motivational strategies to best suit their employees' needs and expectations.

Do mcgregor and maslow theories promote laziness?

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No, McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs do not promote laziness. McGregor's theories focus on different management approaches based on assumptions about employee motivations, while Maslow's theory highlights the importance of fulfilling basic needs to achieve personal growth. These theories provide frameworks for understanding human behavior and motivation in the workplace.

Samples of Christmas party closing remarks for a speech?

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Asked by Wiki User

Samples of Christmas party closing remarks for a speech:

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night."

"May the joy of the Christmas season be with you all."

"May the love, joy, and happiness of the season be with you this Christmas, and in the coming year."

"I hope everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you all for coming, and spread the good news the Christmas holidays bring!"

What is the preferred communication style in Brazil?

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In Brazil, the preferred communication style is generally warm, friendly, and expressive. Non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, play an important role in conveying messages. Brazilians value building relationships and tend to be more indirect in their communication, often using humor and storytelling to convey their message.

What is a business dinner?

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A business dinner is a social event where professionals gather to discuss and negotiate business matters over a meal. It is typically more formal than a regular dinner and may involve multiple courses, etiquette norms, and the exchange of business cards. Business dinners provide an opportunity for networking, building relationships, and conducting business-related discussions in a relaxed and social setting.

How do you answer 'What difference will you make in our organization' in a job interview?

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The employer wants to know how you will benefit the company on a business and financial level, as well as how you would "fit" into the team in a social way.

If you've done your homework on this company, you can demonstrate how your strengths are a great fit for the position and how you will benefit the overall team.

What does teamwork mean to you?

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a group of people working together to accomplish something

Why is cereal bars bad for your health?

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Asked by Wiki User

there not really healthy its just a way of making you go to the toliet to have a poo because it helps you go even tho your poo will be runny and a bit of your intestines will come out of your bum hole (fanny)...

What are the benefits of the Internet to Government Departments?

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Asked by Wiki User

Without a more specific question, I believe the answer varies based on what kind of government you're talking about. The Internet is really just communication on a massive scale, so if you run a fascist dictatorship, you probably don't like that your citizens can use the Internet to communicate with one another to disagree with you. Though it's not a fascist dictatorship, China's attempts to control its country's Internet access is a good illustration of this point. In contrast, a government "Of the people, by the people, and for the people" should benefit greatly from the newfound ability of the people to have important instantaneous discussions on a national scale. Recently, the country of Finland declared broadband Internet access to be a fundamental right of its people, so clearly the Internet will only become more important in people's lives as we move into the future. Personally, I'm exasperatedly surprised no one has invented "open source" government yet. I mean think about it--every citizen would have an equal voice, corporations and linguists would be out of the picture, and you could file a bug report whenever you found something that was just plain wrong. Seriously.

What is the meaning of telephone etiquette?

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Asked by Wiki User

Telephone Etiquette just means etiquette on the telephone. Which means you do not slam the phone on people, do not play pranks, do not drop the phone suddenly, do not keep the caller waiting for too long, DO introduce yourself (unless you are very familiar with the person. E.g: Best friends since young. * Do take note some phones do not have caller ID, so it is best to introduce yourself.), hang up because you are embarrassed as you dialed the wrong number, call random people (which is also prank calling- A major no-no.). Answer the phone with a 'Hello?', not a 'yo' or 'Yellow' or 'Yep' (If you know it is your friend then it is fine, i guess), always put the phone down gently if you need to get a person for the caller, don't just yell for the person (e.g: DAD!). Do keep a pen and paper next to the phone, so the caller will not get frustrated while waiting for you to get a pen; choose a good time to call, don't call before 10 am and after 8pm (unless it's VERY VERY X10 Urgent); also, ask politely for the person you're calling (e.g: May i please speak to so and so. Not: Oi! I wanna talk to so and so!). Hope this answers what telephone etiquette is. :) If you have any questions just drop a notice on my message board

What is the role of IT in business?

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Asked by Wiki User

Business process redesigning a.k.a Business process re-engineering is actually renovation of an important business process with the sole aim of improving return on investment, service quality and reducing production cost.

The role of Technology in business process re-designing:

  • Technology assists in data availability from one common location
  • IT offers 'expert systems' for performing special tasks
  • Allows centralization and decentralization of organization data
  • Supports decision making with decision-making tools
  • Lowering the chances of human errors
  • Increasing efficiency

How do you block incoming call on boost mobile?

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Asked by Wiki User

This can be done via the Boost website. There will be a prompt to enter the mobile number from which one wishes to view the calls, followed by a request for the passcode. This will enable the user to view their incoming calls from the past month.

When taking a phone message it is important to?

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Apologize for the caller having missed the intended called-to person, tell them that you will glad to take their name and callback number (repeat it back to them for positive identification), ask them if it's appropriate to pass along what the call was about (and include it in the message; read it back to the caller), and have the intended return the call as soon as possible. Then date- and time-stamp the call with your name and callback number, in the case that you are not the person who delivers the message. Be cheery if appropriate.

How much does it cost to buy a small cafe building?

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Sorry, there are too many factors involved in that decision to effectively calculate an informed answer. The location, area demographics, foot-traffic in the area, and vehicular traffic all play important parts in evaluating a particular location.

How do you call a female her post as manager?

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The old word is 'Manageress' but that is now considered a diminutive and a woman manager is just called a Manager.

Why do people wear formal suits?

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Most people wear suits to look professional or to show respect for whoever they are meeting with. It's mostly just a tradition, because people can show respect without being dressed formally, but that tradition holds sway in many businesses, in many churches, and is a good idea for job interviews, etc., where you want to look your best.

How does the chair call a meeting to order?

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Generally, that is what they say.

Depending on how formal the club is, there may be a sergeant at arms (acts much like a bailiff in a courtroom) who introduces the president or chair of the organization. But not all meetings do it this way. Then the president or chair may give an introduction and then they state that they are calling the meeting to order. From there, they might call the secretary to read the minutes of the last meeting. And then someone makes a motion to accept the minutes as read and someone seconds. Then the chair continues onto asking the secretary if there is new business. From there, the floor is often opened for discussion of the new items, and if anything that is discussed needs a vote, then that is done.

Does a secretary vote in a meeting?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes they do, so they can learn more.