

What is meant by the term respiratory rate?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It is basically the rate at which you breathe, measured in breaths per minute. There are different breathing or respiratory rates for different ages.

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Q: What is meant by the term respiratory rate?
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"suppressed respiratory rate" is often the best thing to say to be understood. The term "hyperventilating" is a classic well know term however "HYPOventilation" is not a clearly understood reference. For as long as I have been discussing the occurrence with my health professionals there has not been well defined 'term' for the condition. Some people just dont breath as fast or as often as others. Without a medical cause as a basis for the breathing pattern it is often assumed to be the patients normal or usual respiratory rate. If it as a result of illness of injury it is usually stated as a sign or symptom of such and is not related to on its own as a condition or diagnosis.

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