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Q: What is meant by wave-particle duality of radiation?
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How does electromagnetic radiation behave?

Electromagnetic radiation can behave either as a wave or a particle. A wave particle is duality. Electromagnetic energy results from acceleration of a charge EM radiation can travel through a medium or vacuum.

What is meant by the wave-particle duality of light?

It means that light has features of both waves and particles.

How it detects radiation?

The answer depends on what "IT" is and what sort of radiation it is meant to detect!

Does radiation transfer energy by moving matter?

No. Radiation transfers energy by the propagation of waves within the electromagnetic spectrum and the travel of photons (wave-particle duality). No matter is moved in this process.

Radiation transfers energy by moving matter.?

No. Radiation transfers energy by the propagation of waves within the electromagnetic spectrum and the travel of photons (wave-particle duality). No matter is moved in this process.

Is the emission of electromagnetic radiation by an excited atom a wave or particle theory?

wave theory of light

What principle states that the wave and particle aspects of both matter and radiation are necessary parts of the whole?

The term wave-particle duality might work.

What term is used to describe the fact that electromagnetic radiation can be thought of as either a continuous wave or as a stream of individual packets of energy?

wave-particle duality

What is yeat transfer by electromagnetic radiation?

i meant heat sry

What is meant by electromagnetic radiation?

electromagnetic radiation is caused by radiant energy generated by accelerating electrons of photons travelling as waves.

What is meant by 'laser'?

L.A.S.E.R. = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation