

What is meosis cell division?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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meosis cell division is that where a diploid germ cell devides into four haploid cells at the time of gamet formation.

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Which type of cell division occurs in cancer cells?

both mitosis and meosis cell division occurs in cancer cells

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centrioles are involved in cell division process they are changed in to spindle fibre and asters in cell division in meosis.

What process of cell division take longer in humans then bacterial cells?

The process of Meosis I i.e. a mitotic division in meosis which do not take place in bacteria is longer and in that mitotic division prophase is the longest part and is even longer then bacterial prophase

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only in meosis

What ar the two parts of cell division?

Mitosis and Cytokinesis

What is defference between telophase of meosis and telophase of mitosis cell division?

telophase of mitosis contain 1 new diploid cell at the end while telophase of meiosis contain 4 new haploid cells at the period of division.

What Process results in the formation of gametes?

Gametes are produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. Meiosis results in four daughter cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.

What is the number of chromosomes per daughter cell after meosis?

After meiosis, each daughter cell has half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. For example, in humans the parent cell would have 46 chromosomes, but after meiotic cell division, the daughter cells will each have 23 chromosomes.

When does the cell divide in mitosis and meosis?

The cell divides (undergoes cytokinesis) during telophase.

Sex cells are formed by what type of cell division?

Sex cells, also called gametes, are created by meiosis, a type of cell division in which the daughter cells divide the DNA in the parent cell in half rather than replicating it and creating two identical cells.