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Q: What is mercurys radius and earths compared?
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How do mercury radius and mass compare with the earths?

Mercurys mean radius is around 2,439.7 km, which is around 38.39% of earth radius or 0.3829 Earths. Mercurys mass is around 3.3022×10 to the 23 kg, around 5.5% of earths mass or 0.055 Earths.

The planet Neptune's size compared to the other planets?

Mercury's radius (at the equator) = 2440km or 0.3825 x Earths Venus' radius = 6052km or 0.9488 x Earths Earth's radius = 6378km Mars' radius = 3397km or 0.5323 x Earths Jupiter's radius = 71,492km or 11.21 x Earths Saturn's radius = 60,267km or 9.45 x Earths Uranus' radius = 25,557km or 4.01 x Earths Neptune's radius = 24,766km or 3.88 x Earths

What is the Mercurys atmosphere compared to earth?

Mercury has no atmosphere.

What is Mercurys' radius with regard to the earth?

Earths mean diameter is 12756km at the equator, Mercury's diameter is 4879km. Mercury diameter is 0.3824 of Earths (if Earth is 1), or put another way, Earth diameter is 2.6 times bigger than that of Mercury.

As you get farther away from the center of the earth your weight will increase or decrease?

It will decrease not by much though it is not noticeable compared to the earths radius

Is mercurys gravity stronger or weaker th an earths gravity?

Weaker, much weaker.

Is mercurys gravity grater or less than earths?

Mercury's gravity is approx 40% of Earth's.

How does mercurys rate compare to the other planets?

Mercury is the smallest planet compared to the other ones

How does mercurys density compare to earths?

Mercury has a density of 5427kg/m3, whereas Earth has a density of 5515kg/m3.

How warm is Mercury to earth?

it is way warmer there than on earth! earths average temperature is 14C mercurys average temperature is 66C

What are the surface features on Mercury compared to Earth?

while earths surface is smooth or rocky or filled with water, mercurys surface is made out of cotton candy, the clouds on mercury are fuzz balls and the water is coors light. mercury is awesome, earth sucks ._. creepy face

Is the earths radius and surface area increasing?
