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Q: What is mild contour flattening of the ventral aspect of the thecal sac associated with mild encroachment of the neural foramen?
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What is encroachment upon the neural foramen?

You have to look at the definition of the words to understand this statement. Neural refers to nerves. Foramen is an opening through which the nerves exit. Stenosis means that this opening is narrowed. The result is something we call a pinched nerve.

What does right-sided neural foramen encroachment at c3-4 and c4-5 actually mean?

There's something crowing the space (encroaching) in the bony hole that allows passage of the nerve (foramen) between the third and fourth and the fourth and fifth vertebrae in the neck.

What is the largest foramen in the body?

The obturator foramen is the largest foramen in the human body.

What is largest foramen in skull?

obturator foramen

What is the plural noun of foramen?

pulral of foramen

Foraminal disc protrusion?

Foraminal encroachment refers to that degeneration in the spinal column which causes the obstruction of the foramina.

What are the interventricular foramen also called?

The interventricular foramen are referred to as the foramen of Monro

What is a round or oval hole through a bone which contains blood vessels and nerves called?

vertebral foramen

Largest foramen in the human skeleton?

The obturator foramen is the largest foramen in the human skeleton, located in the pelvic girdle.

What are the openings in the fetal heart?

Foramen ovale ...i take a medical assistant course

What is this slight encroachment by the cerebellar tonsils on the foramen magnum without high grade Chiari malformation?

The cerebellar tonsils are crowding or pushing down toward the foramen magnum which could be nothing to worry about unless you have a lot of headaches, neck pain, numbness in arms, tingling in hands...could be the cause for that and really, the only thing you can do to stop that IF that's the cause is surgery which isn't 100A% effective.

What is the largest foramen the skeleton?

Obturator Foramen