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it can be a verb if it was used as in mining gold.

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Q: What is mine a verb?
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Is mine a verb?

Mine as in describing an actual mine (ie coal mine) is a noun because it is a thing. Mine as in the action "to mine something" is a verb. It can also be used as a pronoun when describing something belonging to oneself.

What part of speech is the word mine?

"Mine" can be a pronoun (That coat is mine), a noun (They sealed off the entrance to the abandoned mine), or a verb (You would need to mine large amounts of data to get that kind of information).

What is the subject and verb in this sentence Two of these cassettes are mine?

Are is the verb. Cassettes is the subject.

What tense is the verb in this sentence your mom has helped you carved mine?

The verb "carved" is in the past participle tense in the sentence "your mom has helped you carved mine." To correct it, the sentence should be written as "Your mom has helped you carve mine," with the verb in the past tense.

Is mine a word?

Yes. The word "mine" is a word, specifically a pronoun, noun and verb, although with different meanings for each.

Is mine an adverb?

The word "mine" is not an adverb. It can be a pronoun, or adjective, showing possession. It can also be a noun or verb for the action of mining.

What is the part of speech of mining?

"Mine" can be a pronoun (That coat is mine), a noun (They sealed off the entrance to the abandoned mine), or a verb (You would need to mine large amounts of data to get that kind of information).

Is theirs possessive?

No, you've is a contraction. You've is a combination of 'you have' and acts as the subject and verb (or auxiliary verb) in a sentence or phrase.

Is mine a verb or noun?

The word mine is a:Noun: an excavation to extract minerals from the earth.The mine is the largest employer in the county.Verb: to obtain minerals from an excavation; to delve into and make use of.We'll mine the archives for the information we need.Pronoun: takes the place of a noun for something that belongs to me.The blue car is mine.

Is the word trade a verb?

Trade can be a noun (His trade was carpenter), a verb (I'll trade you mine for yours), or an adjective (Sorry, that's a trade secret).

Is switch a verb?

Yes, "switch" can be a verb. It means to change or exchange one thing for another. For example, "She switched seats with her friend."

What is correct His books has or have covers?

His books have covers. His books have covers. adjective subject verb object. One has, two have. Pronouns: He, she, it, mine, yours - has Mine has a clasp but yours has a button. I, you, we, they - have