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-2 degrees Fahrenheit = - 18.88 degrees celsius

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Q: What is minus two degrees Fahrenheit in celsius?
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What is negative two degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Minus two degrees Centigrade is 28.4 degrees Fahrenheit

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What is minus 38 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

-18 degrees Celsius is -0.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is -20 Fahrenheit equal to in Celsius?

(-20) degrees Celsius = -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is two hundred twenty two degrees Fahrenheit in degrees?

122 degrees Fahrenheit is 50 degrees Celsius.

How do the two thermometers Celsius and Fahrennheit compare?

Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. It freezes at 0 degrees Celsius Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. It boils at 100 degrees Celsius. So, one degree Celsius it roughly two degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 35.96 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

Rounded to two decimal places, 35.96 degrees Celsius is equal to 96.73 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 57 dig Fahrenheit in Celsius?

57 degrees Fahrenheit is 13.89 degrees Celsius rounded to two decimal places

What is 101.6 degrees Fahrenheit in Celsius?

101.6 degrees Fahrenheit = 38.67 Celsius (to 2dp)That is, exactly 38 and two thirds.

What are Fahrenheit and Celsius examples of?

Both Fahrenheit and Celsius are ways of measuring temperature. Both are measured in degrees. Water freezes at thirty-two (32) degrees Fahrenheit and zero (0) degrees Celsius.

Is 5 degrees Celsius warmer then 5 degrees Fahrenheit?

Thirty two degrees Fahrenheit is colder than five degrees Celsius. Five degrees Celsius is equal to 41 degree Fahrenheit. Zero degrees Celsius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 52C in Fahrenheit?

The temperature 52 degrees Celsius is equal to 125.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Celsius and Fahrenheit are the two most common units of measurement for temperature.