

What is mirror texture?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: What is mirror texture?
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Why can you see your reflection in the mirror and not in the rocks?

obviously because a rock has a very vague texture

What is the texture of platinum?

It is a thick substance. it is made out ofiridium & gold. Platinum has a metallic texture under ordinary temperatures. Being a metal, it can be machined or molded to have many different textures and it can be polished to mirror smoothness. At the microscopic scale, platinum, as most metals, will have a crystalline or 'grain' texture.

Is there a minecraft texture pack that basically increases the resolution of the default to 32x or 64x I found minecraft enhanced but it was 128x to 256x?

If you go to, they have a thread dedicated to texture packs. The packs are sorted by resolution, so you can see if there's a 32x or 64x pack that has the right look and feel for you. I don't know of any texture packs that exactly mirror the original texture in a higher resolution. :(

What is the texture of the aquamarine?

The texture is smooth.

What are tactile texture?

Tactile Texture is texture that you can feel.

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What is visual texture?

Visual Texture is texture that is not touchable but can be seen.

What is the definition of actual texture?

Actual texture is texture which may be physically felt. Implied texture is texture that may be seen only, as in a painting. For instance, while the smooth texture of a statue or the uneven texture of a painter's brushstrokes are actual texture, the rough-appearance of a table in a still life painting is implied texture.

What are the 3 kind of texture?

The 3 kinds of textures are: * Visual texture * Artificial texture * True texture

What is the texture of argon?

no texture

What is the texture of hydrogen?

I belive it has no texture

What are kinds of texture in arts?

real or actual texture and simulated texture