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misd usually means misdemeanor. Comm is probably the type of misdemeanor, but without the context it's hard to say exactly. Communication? Computer?

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Q: What is misd comm an abbreviation for found in police records?
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What is the Abbreviation for communication?

COMM Although there is no officially accepted abbreviation of the word "community" I do use a couple of variants. These are "comm" & "cmty". I vary it according to what looks better in regards to the other words in the sentence. While not official, it does work for those times when you need to abbreviate it.

What is the word for the abbreviation comm?

To answer this, one needs more information. Can you cut and paste the entire sentence where this abbreviation is used?

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Although there is no officially accepted abbreviation of the word "community" I do use a couple of variants. These are "comm" & "cmty". I vary it according to what looks better in regards to the other words in the sentence. While not official, it does work for those times when you need to abbreviate it.

What is the abbreviation of the word committee?

Committee is often abbreviated in laws and other legal and governmental materials. The particular abbreviation varies according to the style guide used, but variants include Cmte, Cmtee, Comm, and, less commonly, Cttee.

What is the abbreviation for the word commercial?

There are several different ways the word commercial can be abbreviated. The most popular options include "cml," "comm," and "com."

How do you abbreviate the word commissioning?

According to the USPS (abbreviation for US Postal Service) the proper abbreviation for commission is COMM. I would have to agree but keep in mind there is a slight chance this abbreviation is simply what the Postal service uses and may not be the official abbreviation (if there is one). This was the only reference I could find.

How do you program a uniden police scanner?

You need to connect to a Comm port on a computer and use software found on the internet. It is fairly simple once you find a puter with the com port. I am not aware if a usb can be converted/used.

How do you abbreviate the word community?


How do you program a uniden MR8100 police scanner?

You need to connect to a Comm port on a computer and use software found on the internet. It is fairly simple once you find a puter with the com port. I am not aware if a usb can be converted/used.

What is the full form of comm?
