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what does molecular evidence mean

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Q: What is molecular evidence or a DNA sequence?
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What is the scientific name for a palindrome?

In molecular biology, a palindromic sequence is a nucleic acid sequence on double-stranded DNA or RNA.

The genetic code of a DNA molecule is determined by a specific sequence of?

Molecular bases

What provide evidence of common ancestry amongisms?

Simularities in DNA sequence

What is the strong evidence of common ancestry between the organism that share them?

Simularities in DNA sequence

What a molecular data?

In biology, molecular data refers to the information pertaining DNA or protein. DNA sequence are highly specific that encode the RNA and proteins. It is also specific signature for a particular kind of organism to define which family it is.

How can molecular evidence show how closely related species are to each other?

Well, using molecular techniques we can now sequence and evaluate the genomes of organisms. So if we know the genes in a human, a monkey, and a carrot, for example, then we can see genetically which organism is more related to the other. Mind you Darwin didn't even know what genes were when he did his research in the Galapagos

What are the stages called collectively that represents the backbone of molecular biology?

This can be answered referring to the molecular biology "dogma", that is, DNA forms mRNA during transcription, mRNA is translated into a protein during the translation process. Besides this dogma sequence, DNA molecule forms a new DNA through the replication mechanism.

Why the vein patterns of several leaves is a less reliable means of determining the evolutionary relationship between two plants than using gel electrophoresis?

because it deals with only structual appearance rather than molecular evidence of dna base sequence. wangmo

Is aggcguc a sequence of DNA?

No DNA sequence wont have U (uracil), so it is an RNA sequence!

What sequence of DNA bases with the DNA base sequence atgt?


A DNA sequence reads TGAAC Whatbis its mRNA sequence?

BBC is the DNA in a MRNA sequence. This is part of the body.

What evidence show is that each enzyme cuts the DNA at different locations?

Enzymes that are able to cut DNA are called rstriction enzymes. These enxymes are site specific. This means the cuts they produce are not ramdom events. They cut the DNA strand only when a particular sequence is encountered. This sequence on the DNA is called the restriction site. Restriction sites vary in length from 6 - 8 or more nucleotides. This evidence indiates restriction enzymes cut DNA at a unique site