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Q: What is momentum can be transferred but cannot be lost called?
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When a person jumps from a tree to the ground what happens to the momentum of the person upon landing on the ground?

Many think the momentum would be lost but instead it is transferred. It was transferred to the Earth in a collision. But since the has a huge mass it will not affect the Earth.

A ball rolls down a hill and hits a box the momentum of the ball decreases what happens to its momentum?

Momentum (as energy) isn't lost, it is transferred. Momentum is lost to friction when the ball is rolling, but in the described situation, the momentum is basically all transferred to the box upon impact. The box may tip over if light enough, or the box may break, or if heavy enough and built well enough, the box may absorb the impact and be left seemingly untouched. If the ball continues to roll after impact (if it bounces over/around/off of the box, then only partial momentum has been transferred to the box.

Which type of particles are transferred during static charging?

Neutrons & Electrons. Protons cannot be transferred, lost or gained.

The law of conservation of momentum states that when two objects collide their combined momentum?

False $manning boi the great$

Conservation of linear momentum exp?

Linear momentum is mass times velocity. For a single point object, momentum is conserved, because the object will continue to move at a constant velocity. Nor will its mass change either. For a group of objects, too: When momentum is transferred, for example during a collision, any momentum lost by one object is gained by another. The total momentum remains constant.

What does it meanto say that momentum is conserved?

Momentum is the product of mass times velocity. The sum of (momentum x velocity) for all parts of a closed system remains constant. For instance, if two balls collide, any momentum lost by one is gained by the other (transferred to the other). Energy is NOT necessarily conserved (kinetic energy, to be more precise - any energy lost will be converted into heat, usually), so momentum is sometimes more useful for certain calculations.

When an action and reaction occur momentum is usually lost?

No. Total momentum before and after the collision is the same. Some kinetic energy can be lost - but not momentum.

What explains the total Amount of momementum in an isolated system is conserved?

Total momentum in an isolated system does not change. The law of physics. The law of conservation of momentum explains that momentum is neither lost of gained. That means that there is a quantity, called momentum, that is conserved.

What are some examples of 'momentum' in a sentence?

They lost the momentum in their relationship, it is now dull. He lost his momentum for working hard, he was so close. The momentum is conserved when two bumper cars hits each other.

What happen to momentum when objects collide?

The total amount of momentum stays the same. Momentum is neither lost nor gained.

Is momentum lost equals to momentum gained?

If you return to the same state of motion before you began gaining momentum, then momentum lost will be equal to momentum gained. I mean really, if you start out not moving with a momentum of 0 and end not moving with a momentum of 0, then of course there the bloody same. If you start at 0 and never stop moving, then obviously your not losing momentum so the statement is false.

Does momentum stay the same?

Yes. In the game of pool you do it to make your plays happen. When the que ball strikes another ball it imparts some to all of its energy onto the ball it hit. That ball travels off and the que ball can either finish rolling or having lost all its' forward momentum, stop.