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A social movement which campaigns around a symbolic or moral issue such as alcohol or pornography.

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Q: What is moral crusade?
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Progressives undertook religion as a moral crusade. They wanted to reform religious ideals and they made a commitment to protect all lives, even disadvantaged ones.

Why were slaves free in the north?

Because the Emancipation was a war measure, not a moral crusade. Lincoln told his troops to free the Southern slaves because they were enemy property.

Why is the second crusade called the noble crusade?

Well apparently it is called the noble crusade because everyone who went on the first crusade and the noble crusade were noble

What year did the crusade take place?

Which one? First crusade - 1095-1099 Second crusade -1145-1148 Third crusade - 1187-1192 Fourth crusade - 1202-1204

Which Crusade was the most successful?

The First Crusade was the only successful Crusade.

What was the third crusade called?

Kings' crusade

What is a sentence for the word crusade?

I am going on a crusade. I like crusades. would you like to go on a crusade with me?

Which crusade was known as the King's Crusades during the middle ages?

the kings crusade was the 3rd Crusade.

What is a sentence for crusade?

Crusade is not very ethical. People die and they say it is Crusade!

What 3 kings were involved in the kings crusade?

Several people fort in the crusades: The first crusade-Christian (not nessesarilly knights The Peasant's crusade-Peasants The Children's crusade-Children The "official" Crusade-nobles