

What is more damaging to your body alcohol or smoking?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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I would say alcohol because it kills your liver and other important organs.

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Q: What is more damaging to your body alcohol or smoking?
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any bad material such as smoking, alcohol, and stress. This will lower your blood pressure which will lead to a more healthier lifestyle.

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Should smoking be a socially accepted behaviour?

No. Would you like people to be injecting Heroin and Smoking crack on the streets? Smoking is a DRUG ADDICTION, and far more difficult and than Heroin and certainly more damaging. SAY NO TO CIGARETTES.

Is smoking or drinking more harmful?

Honestly it depends. Both are bad, but in different places. Alcohol mainly hurt the brain, but smoking harms everywhere. Smoking you can eventually quit, but if you have to much alcohol, you can die without it.

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Teen brains are still developing

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Smoking causes many more deaths than does the abuse of alcohol. Of course, the moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with better health and longer life than abstaining from alcohol.

Does alcohol consumption and smoking increase your risk of oral cancer?

Yes, alcohol consumption and smoking both greatly increase your risk of oral cancer and combining the two increases the risk even more.

What makes smoking dangerous?

Smoking is dangerous because of the chemicals inside make your body crave and you will want more and more.