

What is more effective as a medium fo mass communication?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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It was once newspapers but in our modern world it is now Television

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Q: What is more effective as a medium fo mass communication?
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becuase formal communication is more important then informal, becuase your communication will be received, but when your informal communication may received or not.

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Why is formal communication effective?

becuase formal communication is more important then informal, becuase your communication will be received, but when your informal communication may received or not.

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building your vocabulary

What possible job you get from mass communication?

Most of the people with degrees in mass communication are preparing for a career in some aspect of the media. Perhaps they want to be in public relations, or in journalism, or working in corporate communications (such as helping to run the communications department for a university or a business). The skills you acquire from studying mass communication are useful in many fields, because our culture is so influenced by media; thus, the more you understand how messages are created, shaped, and disseminated, the more effective you will be in whatever job you choose.

Are managers obliged to learn the fine points of communication?

to be more effective manager,

What is sociology of mass communication?

Communication is a relationship between two or more then two persons, when they at a certain time & place, are engaged in the exchange of information through a mutually shared medium. For instance, language, facial expression, music, color etc.Mass communication is a public communication that takes place through the use of mass media. (OR) Such act of communication in which information is made available without restricting who may be the receiver.Difference between Communication & Mass communication1. Technical device is used in Mass communication, where as, 5 senses of human are generally used in Communication.2. In Mass communication, the audience is large, scattered & unidentified to the sender, where as, Audience is identified to the sender in Communication.3. Mass communication is controlled by many gate keepers (who can change or edit the message), where as, Communication is mostly face to face & gate keeping do not involve in it.4. Feed back is delayed in Mass communication, where as, Feed back is quick in communication.