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That would depened souly on the person's desired outcome of the relationship. Although there is no set standard, there is a typical generalization between men and women. If A man and woman are on a mission to have a one night stand, that is no strings attached, No accidently leaving your tooth brush for an excuse to come back. It's pretty fair to assume that the Physical out wieghs the Emotional.

However, If both parties want to persue something more than just "the one night" Emotional kicks in. (not even in that same order for both parties)

I hate to do it, but I'm going to generalize: (this is not in ALL cases, but it is true in most, and I'm keeping it heterosexual, but the rules apply in the homosexual world too. Also I'm taking the place of the mating ground to the public eye. In my example the man takes the lead)

Attraction is a very interesting thing, because it's triggered differently for most people. Men typically notice a woman based purely and souly on her looks. Women emotionally, meaning, on how the man makes her feel. So, Man aproaches woman, and opens conversation, during this meeting he is attracted physically only, after all he doesn't know her(and there is NOTHING wrong with that). It's at this point that the woman will validate, al biet subconciously, the man, How he looks physically won't matter if he can make her feel, the correct way. After more conversation, if the man isn't on a mission, he will respond to her and his emotional attraction validation will begin.

In short, in most cases physical attraction will lead to emotional attraction. Which is most important? well in most cases, as above, it's a step by step, you HAVE to have physical, before it can lead to emotional. Therefore Physical is more important, though it's not ALWAYS the case, it's a safe bet, for men. For women, in most cases emotional is far more important.

Bare in mind, that if gained emotional attraction becomes more important, for once lost, even physical attraction can die, and vise versa though it's not as deadly. Why? Because people grow old together and the physical is on a decline, while the emotional is on the rise.

Short term, physical, Long term, emotional.

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Q: What is more important physical attraction or emotional attraction and why?
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