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Q: What is more potent Valium or rivotril?
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Why is Valium often perceived by doctors in a more negative manner than the more potentfaster-acting and potentially more habit-forming benzos Xanax Klonopin Ativan etc?

I wouldn't say that Xanax, Klonopin, or Ativan are more habit-forming than Valium. Valium is just as addictive and potent as those three, if not more potent and addictive. I have been prescribed all 4 at some time or another to help with my sleep disorder, and I would say that the Valium lasted longer and had a greater sedating effect than the other 3, even when comparing a relatively small dosage of Valium to a higher dosage of any of the other 3.

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What legal prescription shows up as a benzodiazapam?

Alprazolam, Ativan(lorazepam), Chlordiazepoxide, Clonazepam, Dalmane, Daypro ,Diazepam (generic name for Valium), Dormonocet, Flurazepam, Klonopin, Libritab, Librium, Limbitrol, Loprazolam ,Oxazepam, Rivotril, Serax, TriazolamHalcion, Valrelease, Xanax, Zoloft, etc.. Valerian Root And Extract can cause false positives. Also many prescription Sleeping Pills,Anti Anxiety Medication, Black Pearls (Tung Sheuh pills), Chinese Herb Pills and Potent sex pills contains benzodiazepines.

What is the strongest known sedative?

Xanax or Rohypnol or Rivotril

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Sperm cells become potent around the age of seventeen and eighteen.

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Can you make a sentence using the word potent?

There is an explosive greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

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spinach is the most potent source of vitamins

Is Tetrahydrocannabinol ether?

no, ether is a more potent and much more dangerous compound

What is more potent pure MDMA or ecstasy?

no effence are u stupid extacy tab has like 0.5 mdma usually more. obviosly PURE mdma is more potent hens the word PURE

Is Valium a narcotic?

Valium is not the innocent "mothers little helper" of the 1950's, Valium is a serious narcotic that can be addicting. Valium is the brand name for diazepam which is a benzodiazepine in the opioids category. This simply means that Valium is a powerful depressant that slows down brain activity and triggers the reward system. Valium is prescribed for anxiety and insomnia but is very easy to abuse. Many people who are sensitive to addiction find themselves taking more than the prescribed amount of valium. This can lead to physical dependence and Valium addiction.