

What is more safe swimming or a roller coaster?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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roller coaster

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Q: What is more safe swimming or a roller coaster?
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Is it okay to put a tortoise on a small and slow roller coaster?

I'm not sure but to answer that i think yes because it will be safe on a roller coaster and plus the tortoise is small right?

Why was the first roller coaster built?

To build potential energy, which is converted to kinetic energy upon descent. The higher up the roller coaster climbs, the more potential energy it builds, thus having more kinetic energy upon descent. Since there are no motors or engines, roller coasters are reliant on this back & forth transfer of energy.

What is the maximum safe g-force on a roller coaster?

probably around 3G - to keep it safe for most individuals

What are three factors that a roller coaster designer has to think about when they design a roller coaster to make it fun AND safe?

1. Safe. Always the first thing. 2. Good speed and elements a.k.a Loops 3. Good G forces.

What is the name of the most dangerous roller coaster?

That's a stupid question. Roller coasters are very safe. None can be considered "most dangerous"

Is the big roller coaster at Oaks Park scary?

You mean Looping Thunder? I don't get scared of roller coasters. But for someone who is new to them, yes. But I Garuntee the ride is safe.

What are the early disasters of roller coasters?

Modern roller coasters are quite safe; they have many checks and are monitored often to ensure they remain safe. However, ride accidents do occur. People who aren't riding can be hit by the coaster if they enter the coaster area. As well, people who are too small can fall out of the ride if they aren't secured safely.

Chances of fainting a roller coaster?

A little less than 10%, roller coasters are safe, if you are nervous. They do checks along the track and on the machinery before a park opens every day.

Are Six Flags amusement parks safe?

Six flags is only safe if you don't do stunts on the roller coasters like standing up, other then that six flags is fun and safe. By the way when your going down on a roller coaster sticking your hands up does not count as a stunt.

At what point in your pregnancy can you not ride a roller coaster what if you are only a month pregnant?

don't ride a roller coaster if you are pregnant. Doesn't matter how far along!! Probably nothing would happen and you would be quite safe at least until 3 months, but if anything did happen you would blame yourself.

Why are roller coasters so safe?

Because of the way they are engineered to keep a person on the rollar coaster ,and because most of the coasters are inspected and tested and all that

Can you ride a roller coaster at 7 weeks pregnant?

I would not recommend riding a roller coaster. The force of a roller coaster is almost the same as the one that astronauts experience on a rocket. Plus you will probably squish your belly in the safety seat or you may not be able to pull it down far enough to be safe. A merry-go-round or a Ferris wheel are safe to ride on.