

What is msbp?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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14y ago

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MSPB, also known as Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is a disorder where someone hurts/makes someone sick by either physically harming them or making up ailments. Usually this occurs between a mother where her child is the victim This is mostly so the mother receives sympathy and pity from everyone and praise for being such a wonderful mother. The disorder is very "under the radar." A lot of the children die. Some cases have reported the mother suffocating her child until they turn blue and pass out, but not enough kill it. The mother would then take her child to the hospital and claim that it just stopped breathing. Others poison and starve their kids. And some just take them in to the doctor constantly making up symptoms. You can read more about this online. There are plenty of articles. Also, a good book by Julie Gregory is called Sickened. Her mother had MSBP and Julie fought it, got away, and recovered. It's a very good book. I highly recommend it.

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