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Unfortunately there is no universally recognized system of abbreviations, 'shorthand,' or 'lingo,' when it comes to notations placed on court files and papers. They can be unique to each courthouse or court circuit and may not even mean the same thing from one court to another. Your best bet is to contact the Clerk of Court office at your local court and ask them what it means.

My educated GUESS is that it might mean MTR (= Motion to Revoke) iss capias (= issue Capias). That would explain the fact that he has been issued a notation to appear in court, probably because it is alleged that he has violated his probation. The unfortunate thing for you is that he probably knows exactly why this is happening and what it's all about.

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Q: What is mtr -iss capias my son has this on his papers to go to court. He is on 5 year felony probation and has been given a motion to revoke charge. MTR. What does this mean to him?
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Will you go to jail for a motion to revoke on misdemeaors?

It depends on the circumstances. If you are found in violation of the terms of your probation or parole due to a motion to revoke on misdemeanors, you could face consequences such as fines, community service, or imprisonment. However, the severity of the punishment will vary based on the specific details of the case and the judge's ruling.

If offered probation or a reduced charge jail sentence and take the probation can you surrender your probation and still receive the reduced charge offered?

Many offenders believe that probation rather than jail is THE way to go, but probation can be a very tough to thing to adhere to and follow the rules 100%. Sometimes it IS better to just go to jail and get it over with. You can present a petition/motion to the court for "Re-Consideration of Sentence" setting forth your reason(s) for wishing to do so. The judge will review both your case and your motion and render a decision.

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There is no set punishment. There are many possibilities. It is up to the Judge. The judge can order reinstatement of probation or revoke probation and impose a sentence in prison.

How do you apply for early termination of probation in Indiana?

Submit a motion/petition to the judge who sentenced you to the term of probation, and request it.

When a Motion to Adjudicate Guilt is being filed can your probation be reinstated?

If you are in jail now because your probation has been revoked, it is likely that you will remain in jail until the final decision on the motion is made by the court.

An electrical charge in motion called?

An electrical charge in motion is called a current.

How do you file a motion to reduce probation term?

You file a motion/petition with the court that sentenced you requesting "early termination."

What is the punishment for a Motion to Revoke probation?

If your probation is revoked, it means that you will be sent to jail/prison to serve the remainder of your sentence behind bars.

In the state of Virginia can you erase a felony charge?

You can't "erase" it, it never 'goes away." But, you can file a motion with the court to have your record 'expunged' so that the charge will not appear on the part of your record accessible by the public. Law enforcement and the courts will still have access to it, however.

Why does a felony charge stay in your record after a no bill?

Just because you were not indicted does not erase the record of your arrest and subsequent court appearances. In order to do that you would need to look into filing a motion to expunge your record.

If you are recommended for probation and have one prior strike but have a remero motion is it possible the judge will grant that motion?

Questions like this are often asked here - it is IMPOSSIBLE to answer them! ONLY the judge knows what it is in his mind when offers (or doesn't offer) you probation.

What does motion for leave to amend felony complaint . Who files this the accused or the DA. Does this mean motion to drop the charges?

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