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Ability to repeatedly continue the work without muscle fatigue. the ability to sustain activity for longer periods of time.

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Q: What is muscle endurence?
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Horse Isle answer for Vianca's quiz: Speed and Endurence. SoulSurfer ~Pinto Server~

How come professional boxers have more flat noses and if you happen to get a flat nose by boxing is it possible to perform rhinoplasty for minimizing the wideness that's been caused by the boxing?

boxers had endurence training so they get punch in the nose all the time. the reason why you need a rhinoplasty when you get a flat nose is because u don't have the endurence to take that kind of beating. another reason why you need a rhinoplasty is because you are obviously a beginner.

What is cardio-vascular endurence?

Cardiovascular Endurance: The ability of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply oxygen to working muscles during physical activity for a prolonged period of time.

What breed of horse is commonly used for endurence rides?

Many breeds are used for endurance races. But the main ones include the Akhal-Teke, arabian, Mustang,Anglo-arabian, and most of the easy-gaited breeds.

What connects muscle to muscle and connective tissue to muscle?

Muscle does not connect to muscle. Fascia is a connective tissue that connects muscle to organs. Tendons connect muscle to bone.

What type of muscle is the tricep muscle?

A skeletal muscle.

What means endurance?

build streagth,exercise,fitness,workoutEndurance means the ability for an animal(or human) to exert itself for a long period of time.endurence is something you can do for a long time. kinda like if you can jumprope for a long time; that would be endurence.

How are individual muscle cells different from the muscle tissue in the bicep muscle?

Muscle cells are smaller than muscle tissues.

What type of muscle is associated with type of muscle?

there is a thigh muscle its a skeletal muscle