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Q: What is muscle reading?
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You must complete all nine steps of Muscle Reading to get the most out of any reading assignment?

not really, pry out question root up answers recite , preview and preview again

Which muscle allows you to push a shopping cart?

we use our triceps if you have any answer just click imrpove thanks for reading! -Steph DA

What is a good pill or powder or shake if you want to become cut or lean with muscle gain?

You cannot get ripped and gain muscle. Stop reading bodybuilding magazines, get off and go read Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe.

How can you lose 10 pounds without having to lose any muscle mass?

I highly recommend reading up on the Atkins induction (week one) phase on You can lose 10 lbs. in a week or two and not lose muscle mass.

What is the difference from systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure?

Systolic (the higher number) is a reading of the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart is beating at its maximum strength. Diastolic (the lower number) tells you what the pressure is in your blood vessels when your heart is at rest.

What is the appearance of the type of muscle that move your body?

There are many types of muscles that move your body. Try reading a human body book. That might help more.

Where can I find more information on muscle building diet?

You can find more information on healthy muscle building diets by reading health magazines and websites. I suggest a good diet to build muscle is not so much protein from animals but protein from nuts and whey. Fruit also helps repair muscles quicker after a long hard work out.

How many touch receptors does the human body have?

ImproveTheir are 4 types of reflexes:spinal reflex (knee jerk);cranial reflex (reading);somatic reflexes (involve contraction of skeletal muscles);autonomic (visceral) reflexes (involve responses of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands)

What connects muscle to muscle and connective tissue to muscle?

Muscle does not connect to muscle. Fascia is a connective tissue that connects muscle to organs. Tendons connect muscle to bone.

What type of muscle is the tricep muscle?

A skeletal muscle.

How are individual muscle cells different from the muscle tissue in the bicep muscle?

Muscle cells are smaller than muscle tissues.

What type of muscle is associated with type of muscle?

there is a thigh muscle its a skeletal muscle