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Raise from a bed. This would have been eother on the floor or straw on a basic wood frame. Dress in clothing of the time which even a lowly merchant was very basic. Have bread and either water or ail for first meal. Then if a street merchant you would load a hand cart and push it as much as 3 miles to a site and be out in the open air in all weather attempting to sell your goods

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Q: What is my daily routine for a merchant in the medieval times?
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What was the role of merchant in Medieval Times?

In medieval times, just as today, merchants bought and sold goods. They often travelled about, and they were important for establishing and maintaining connections among people of different lands.Marco Polo is an example of a merchant from Italy who travelled to China and back, and then recorded his story.^Here is my source Mr.Baker.lovee,anonymus.

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A merchant would often go to the market and sell his goods. Then like any other person a merchant will go to church and pray because if not they would most likely get punished by the Lord or even put to death for not respecting God. When a merchant or serf was finished praying they would help around the house with cleaning, cooking, taking care of kids, or farming the land.

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What id another term used to describe the middles ages?

Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.

Who were some Famous knights of Medieval Times?

A medieval knight in the middle ages or medieval times was William the conquerer