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I don't know but my friend has thatand it is really sad caz she always freaks out I don't know but my friend has thatand it is really sad caz she always freaks out I don't know but my friend has thatand it is really sad caz she always freaks out

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Q: What is name of the phobia when you have fear of fingertips belonging to another hand touching palm of a hand?
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What is the name of a phobia of children touching you?

The closest thing to a phobia of a child touching you would be Pedophobia which is the fear of children.

IS there a phobia of people touching your knees?

Yes. Genuphobia is the name of the phobia

What is the phobia of touching?

Aphenphosmphobia, Haphephobia or Haptephobia or Chiraptophobia.

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Petaphelaphobia Petaphelaphobia

What phobia is the fear of collarbones?

Clavicaphobia is the irrational fear of touching or seeing collar bones.

What is the posh name for a phobia of touching other people?

Social Anxiety is a blanket term for fears pertaining to people or social situations.

Is there a phobia for people not liking food touching on their plate?

No, a phobia would be an exaggerated fear of someone touching food on your plate, it would probably be met with a reaction that would include sweaty palms, raised heart beat, dizzyness and hyperventilation, also it would most likely include an irrational fear for your life as if it is in danger because of the contamination of your food, etc.

What is another word for phobia?

avoidance aversion hate dread disgust apprehnsion

What phobia is the fear of vomiting?

Emetophobia is the name of the phobia associated with the fear of vomiting.

What phobia is the fear of velvet?

Haptodysphoria - An unpleasant sensation derived from touching certain objects. Common with fuzzy things like velvet, raw cotton, carpet, peaches, kiwi's etc.

What is the phobia of embarrassment?

Social Phobia is the phobia of embarrassment. It is the phobia in which a person is scared of being bullied.