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Q: What is name of the ring around around saturn?
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What is around Saturn?

Around Saturn there is a layer of rock and ice and this forms a ring, so a ring is what is around Saturn=D

How does the ring stay around Saturn if Saturn moves?

The particles that make up the ring are in orbit around Saturn.

What makes the ring around Saturn?

Asteroids in orbit around Saturn

Why is Saturn have its ring?

its atmospheric dust that orbits around saturn

What is unique about Saturn?

the ring around it

Does Saturn have a ring around it?

Yes it does

Name one natural feature about Saturn?

The rock and dust that make up its ring around it

Does Saturn as a ring around it?

Saturn has more than one ring around it, it has four main groups of rings. I'm a sixth grader.

Can you name all the planets that have rings around them?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Only Saturn's rings are big and prominent. One of Saturn's moons, Rhea, also has a ring.

Does the ring around Saturn spin?


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Which are the two brightest rings around Saturn?

The two brightest rings around Saturn are the A and B rings. The B ring is located inside of the A ring.