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The lungs remove Carbon Dioxide from your body when you exhale(Breath-Out)

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Q: What is name of the waste substance that is transported back to the lungs fro the cells to the body?
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What is the name of the waste substance that is transported back to the lungs from the cells in the body?


What two other substances apart from antibodies are transported by the blood?

Oxygen is delivered from the lungs to the cells of the body through blood, and waste products from cells are delivered back to the lungs for exhalation.

How does carbon dioxide get transported to and from the cells?

Carbon dioxide is transported from cells to the lungs mostly in the form of bicarbonate ions dissolved in plasma. Once in the lungs, carbon dioxide is released from the bicarbonate ions and exhaled. Small amounts of carbon dioxide are also transported bound to hemoglobin or dissolved in plasma.

What 3 things are moved around the body in blood?

Nutrients, oxygen, and waste products are all moved around the body in the blood. Nutrients are transported from the digestive system to cells, oxygen is carried from the lungs to tissues, and waste products are transported to organs for elimination.

How oxygen is transported?

Oxygen is transported in the blood by binding to hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and cells, where it is used for energy production. Once it releases the oxygen, hemoglobin picks up carbon dioxide, a waste product, and transports it back to the lungs to be exhaled.

Why would red blood cells bring carbon dioxide from the bodys cells to the lungs?

Gaseous exchange takes place in the alveoli (in the lungs) -Carbon dioxide is a waste product of aerobic respiration, therefore it is transported via the heart to the lungs to be breathed out in exhalation becasue it isn't needed. Hope this helps

How do human cells get rid of waste?

By the lungs and alveoli.

A waste gas that is transported in the veins from the body to the lungs via the heart?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

A waste gas that is transported in vein from the body to the lungs via the heart?

It's referred to as Carbon dioxide. It is the main cellular waste product that is carried in the blood to the lungs through the heart.

What is the substance that the liver creates from nitrogen waste?

Your liver converts the nitrogenous waste into urea, which is then transported out of the body when you urinate.

Do food muscles give of carbon dioxide?

Muscles burn sugars to generate energy, and in the process, CO2 is generated as a waste product. This is absorbed by the red blood cells, and transported to the lungs, where the CO2 is given off, and more O2 absorbed. The CO2 is 'given off' by the lungs, not the muscles.

How do cells get rid of waste?

Plant cells do not exactly get rid of wastes but instead will use the central vacuole to absorb these wastes. Excess water is removed from the plants through transpiration.