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Temperature is the principal factor.

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Q: What is necessity in the process of evaporation other than water itself?
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What is a necessity in the process of evaporation other than water itself?

The principal factor is the temperature.

What is necessity in the process of evaporation other than the water?

The temperature is the principal factor.

How evaporation exhibit the cooling effect?

Evaporation needs heat energy. During the process of evaporation heat is absorbed by the other body thereby cooling it

What is the difference between crystallization and evaporation?

Crystallization -may be defined as a process which separates a pure solid in the from of its crystals from a solution. Evaporation - Process of separating any substance from its solution by removing water is called evaporation.

By what a process besides evaporation can water get into the atmosphere?

Other processes are boiling and sublimation.

Can you compare evaporation and condensation?

Evaporation is the process in which there is a change of state from liquid to gas. Condensation it is the process in which there is a change of state from gaseous to liquid or solid. Evaporation takes place from surfaces, all the time at all places Condensation can take place on surfaces, or at any place in a gas, though it is often aided by the presence of dust or other small particles. Evaporation absorbs energy. Condensation gives out energy.

What is the process which liquid water changes to water vapor?

evaporation, Ihope this helps! (;

Which is the best example of evaporation?

Evaporation is slow vaporization of a liquid and the reverse of condensation. An example is when it rains there are puddles on the ground, but then they suddenly dissapear, this is called evaporation, because the water molecules have evaporated and gone into the autmosphere, and the start to form into clouds, then after this proccess of evaporation happens we now have the process of Condensation which in other words mean that after the water evaporated demostration evaporation making little/big clouds in the sky now the cloads will have rain and the water that dried will be rain, snow, hail, or other things in which water is used. And so the process of evaporation and condensation will continue all over again.

What does evaporation mean in science term?

Evaporation in scientific terms is when water is an entire substance and then it is vaporized from the heat of rays from the sun. After it is vaporized it is water vapor in the air in the form of fog and clouds until precipitated or in other words it rains.

What process is used to collect salt from a salt-water solution?

In several ways. They can pump seawater into evaporation troughs. They can drill holes in salt deposits and pump in water, let the water dissolve the salt then pump the brine into evaporation troughs. They can also mine the salt like any other mineral would be.

The process of distilling volatile solids is called?

The process of distilling volatile solids is called SUBLIMATION.Physically speaking drying and evaporation (freeze-drying) are other possible names for the phase change of solid to gas

How evaporation helps in separating mixtures?

Two mixtures can be seperated using evaporation cause they have diffrent boiling points.The process is call distillation,one mixture will boil and evaporate leaving the other in the flask.Therefore separating the two mixtures.