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Q: What is needed to format possessive nouns and contradictions?
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What is used in contractions and noun possession?

Apostrophes are use in possessive nouns and contraction. Susan's purse, Joey's bike, and bird's wing are examples of possessive nouns. Contractions are words such as can't (cannot), I'd (I would), and don't (do not).

How do you do nouns and it possessive form using 10 plural nouns and 10 singular nouns?

Examples of singular possessive nouns:The apple's color was very appetizing.The bathtub's drain was blocked.I saw Marcy at Carol's house.Her daughter's name is Princess.One egg's shell was broken.The flag's color was blue with gold.This cake is my grandmother's recipe.The hostess's manner was gracious.Ivan's grades have greatly improved.I totally missed the joke's punch line.Examples of plural possessive nouns:The kittens' colors were all different.The ladies' luncheon is at one o'clock.The men's suits are on the second floor.We're going to the neighbors' annual barbecue.There were some ospreys' nests on the ridge above the lake.The pharaohs' tombs were amazing to see in person.The quints' mom needed a lot of help.The benefit was successful thanks to the sororities'cooperation.Her teeth's alignment has greatly improved.My uncles' farms are right next to each other.

What is the possessive form of the phrase ' my math class'?

The word 'my' is a pronoun called a possessive adjective which is placed in front of a noun to show that the noun belongs to the speaker.There are two accepted forms for possessive singular nouns ending in s:Add an apostrophe (') after the existing s at the end of the word: class'Add an apostrophe s ('s) after the existing s at the end of the word: class'sExample:My math class' project is due on Monday.My math class's project is due on Monday.

What are two kind of nouns?

Two kinds of nouns are common or proper, singular or plural.

Do nouns have number?

Yes, nouns do have number; a noun is either singular or nountwo nounsall of the nouns

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Needed to form possessive nouns and contradictions?

Contradictions are not word forms; contradictions are a logical incompatibility between two or more propositions. Perhaps you meant the word form, contractions.Contractions and possessive nouns use an apostrophe.A contraction is a shortened version of the written and spoken words, made by replacing some of the letters with an apostrophe. Examples:The words I am = I'm.The words I will = I'll.The words you are = you're.the words you will = you'll.the words could not = couldn't.the words should not - shouldn't.To form possessive nouns, an apostrophe s ('s) are added to the end of a word; for some words that already end with an s, just an apostrophe is added after the s at the end of the word. Examples:The shoes of my mother = my mother'sshoes.The leaves of the tree = the tree'sleaves.The trunk of the elephant = the elephant'strunk.The traffic of the city = the city'straffic.

Possessive nouns and possessive pronouns always function as what part of speech?

Possessive nouns and possessive pronouns always function as adjectives, as they modify nouns to show ownership or possession.

What are the possessive case nouns and pronouns in this sentence Franks call to his house was about Sues accident?

The possessive nouns in the sentence are:Frank'sSue'sThe pronoun in the sentence is 'his', a possessive adjective describing the noun 'house'.

What is in contractions and possessive nouns?

Apostrophes are use in possessive nouns and contraction. Susan's purse, Joey's bike, and bird's wing are examples of possessive nouns. Contractions are words such as can't (cannot), I'd (I would), and don't (do not).

Possessive nouns that start with n?

Examples of possessive nouns starting with N are:Napoleon'snature'sNew Zealand'snorth'sThe Netherlands'snight'sNebraska'snapkin'sNorth Pole'snose'sThe Nile'snecktie's

What are some plural possessive nouns that start with n?

Some plural possessive nouns that start with letter N are:nations'necklaces'needles'neighbors'nerves'nights'noodles'noses'nuts'nylons'

What is Possessive nouns for teachers?

The possessive form of the noun teacher is teacher's.

How are possessive nouns and possessive pronouns similar?

Possessive nouns and possessive pronouns both show ownership or possession of something. Possessive nouns show that something belongs to a noun, whereas possessive pronouns replace a noun to show possession. They both indicate who or what owns or has something.

What is correct for a three possessive nouns?

Examples of three possessive nouns are:my mother's carthe city's skylinethe dog's collar

Do possessive pronoun take place after nouns?

In English, possessive pronouns, like adjectives, usually come before the nouns that they modify.

Is brother's possessive or plural?

Possessive nouns (but not possessive pronouns) use apostrophes; therefore, "brother's" is possessive. "Brothers" is plural.

Do Possessive nouns show the relationship between nouns and adjectives?

Possessive nouns show a relationship between the possessive noun and the noun that it shows possession for. An adjective may or may not be involved. John's book is on the desk. (The possessive form John's shows its relationship to the book, there are no adjectives in the sentence.)