

What is needs for poodles?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is needs for poodles?
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Is rice good for poodles?

It is not a replacement for other nutritional needs but it shouldn't be harmful to feed it to the dog.

Are toy poodles really poodles?

Yes. Toy poodles are really poodles.

What are are facts about poodles?

Some poodles can be mean. They are not good with children unless they are professional poodles.

Where did poodles orignate from?

Poodles originated from Germany.

How much do poodles way?

How much do poodles WEIGH first of all. On average toy poodles are 6 pounds On average standard poodles are 55 pounds On average Mini poodles are 15 pounds. GL with your dog

Are Toy Poodles French?

No, poodles are from Germany.

Did poodles originate in France?

No, Poodles originated in Germany.

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What are poodles affraid of?

Most poodles don't like loud noises. Some poodles are spooky while others are not.

How small can french poodles get?

Poodles are not actually French, they are German. Poodles can be smaller then 8 inches tall at the shoulder

When did poodles come to Colorado?

No, poodles originally came from Germany.

Why do people like french poodles?

BECAUSE poodles are dogs