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Negative acceleration is the same as slowing down or hitting the brakes. Or yelling, "Whoa," at your horse.

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Q: What is negative acceleration the same as?
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Can velocity and acceleration be negative at the same time?


What is called negative accelarration?

Deceleration. Negative acceleration = Velocity is decreasing by time. Positive acceleration = Velocity is increasing by time. Zero acceleration = Velocity is the same by time.

Can an abject have both positive and negative acceleration?

Yes, but not at the same time.

Is the negative acceleration the same as deceleration?

Yes no doubt. It is a short term.

Can a car have negative velocity and negative acceleration?

It cannot have negative velocity, it can have negative acceleration.

Can there be a positive acceleration and a negative acceleration?

Yes, acceleration can be positive and negative because acceleration is a vector. It has both direction and magnitude. The direction is what makes it positive or negative. Negative acceleration is usually called deceleration.

What is negative and acceleration?

Positive acceleration = speeding up. Negative acceleration = slowing down.

Can a car have negative velocity and positive acceleration at the same time if traveling on a highway?

Yes.If the car is backing up, but slowing down, then its velocity is in the negative direction, and its acceleration is in the positive direction.

What is the definition of negative velocity?

Observe that the object below moves in the negativedirection with a changing velocity. An object which moves in the negative direction has a negative velocity. If the object is speeding up then its acceleration vector is directed in the same direction as its motion (in this case, a negative acceleration).

What is positive and negative acceleration?

Positive acceleration = speeding up. Negative acceleration = slowing down.

The speed of a car moving on a straight road is decreasing on applying the brakes its velocity and acceleration are in same direction?

By convention, yes, but the acceleration is negative

What is the decrease of speed called in physics?

Any change of velocity, including a decrease of speed, is described and measured as acceleration. Assuming the velocity and acceleration vectors point in the same direction, then in the case of decreasing speed, the magnitude of the acceleration is a negative value. Negative acceleration is often called deceleration, but that is just a special case of acceleration.