

What is net external force?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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The Net external forces is the result force of two objects acting upon it. So if like two forces act on a book. One force exerts downward on the book and the other force pushes the table back on the book with the same amount of push and pull. Since both forces are pushing on each other with the same amount of energy the resultant force or net external force will be in equilibrium or zero.

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Q: What is net external force?
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To change the speed or height of an object, a force is needed. The force applied must be in the direction of the desired change. Additionally, the object's mass and the presence of other forces such as friction will also affect the extent of the change.

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I don't think any external force is in place, considering there is no gravity on the moon.

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The human body is constantly working to maintain homeostasis, which is a state of equilibrium. This includes regulating temperature, pH levels, and other physiological processes to ensure optimal functioning. When the body is in equilibrium, it is able to effectively carry out its various functions and maintain stable internal conditions.

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The net force acting on an object is the combination of all individual forces acting on it. It is the vector sum of all forces, taking into account their magnitudes and directions. The net force determines the acceleration of the object according to Newton's second law of motion.

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To find acceleration, use the equation F = ma, where F is the net external force and m is the mass of the object. Rearranging the equation to solve for acceleration gives a = F/m. Plugging in the values gives a = 7.0 N / 3.2 kg, which equals 2.19 m/s^2.

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A single force whose external effects on a rigid body are equivalent to the combined effects of several actual forces acting on the body is called the resultant force. This resultant force takes into account both the magnitude and direction of the individual forces to produce an equivalent effect on the body. It simplifies the analysis of the body's motion or equilibrium by replacing multiple forces with a single force vector.

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If the car is moving at a constant velocity, the net external force acting on it is zero. This is because the forces acting on the car (such as friction and air resistance) are balanced by the force applied by the engine to maintain the constant speed and direction.