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Q: What is neuromuscular development in physical education?
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What are the four aspects of development in physical education?

1. organic 2. neuromuscular 3. interpretive 4. emotional

What are the four basic of physical education in college?

physical development, social & moral development,

Development of physical education in Greece?

they use physical education for developing in the military to compete with other nations

What is the definition of organic development in physical education?

The definition of organic development in physical education is organ growth and efficiency. This means the health of your organs in relation to your body.

What are the three function of physical education?

Physical education is very important just like the mental education. The three functions of physical education are: promotes physical fitness, helps learners develop emotionally and socially, and helps in the skill development.

What are the objectives of physical education through social development?

the objectives of physical educationphysical developmentpsycological developmentsocial developmentemotional development

What is the aimed of physical education?

aim of physical education is complete living throug wholesome development of human personality

What are the functions of physical education?

Physical education is very important just like the mental education. The three functions of physical education are: promotes physical fitness, helps learners develop emotionally and socially, and helps in the skill development.

What is MET in physical therapy?

a neuromuscular protocol

What is definition of physical education?

Physical education is an integral part of educational program design to promote the optimum development of an individual physically, socially, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through total body movement in the performance of properly selected physical activities .Physical Education is the process by which changes in the individual are bought about through movements experiences.Physical Education aims not only at physical development but is also concerned with education of the whole person through physical activities.

What does education in physical education refers to?

the education in the physical education is not only mention about your physical fitness or obot your physical structure it is about your mental development in all aspects in your life like psychologically, your social behavior and how you deal with the situtation which occure in your life. in physical education you learnt the things by doing so it is a much better way of learning.

What has the author William Donald Smith written?

William Donald Smith has written: 'A study of the development of the Physical Education Branch, Department of Education, Province of Ontario, Canada' -- subject(s): Ontario, Ontario. Physical Education Branch, Physical education and training