


Physical Education

Loved by some and hated by others, phys ed or gym, as it is sometimes called, is a class taken by primary and secondary school students. The course focuses on learning team work and competitive games such as basketball, volleyball, kickball, etc., in a fun environment. Questions about physical education can be directed here.

577 Questions

Definition of isotonic?

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Isotonic refers to a solution that has the same concentration of solutes as another solution, resulting in no net flow of water across a cell membrane. In a biological context, an isotonic solution helps maintain cell shape and volume by preventing excessive water movement.

Physical difference between 128MB and 256MB Ram?

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The main physical difference between 128MB and 256MB of RAM is the amount of memory chips present on the module. A 128MB RAM module will have fewer memory chips compared to a 256MB RAM module, resulting in the difference in capacity. These memory chips are responsible for storing the data and allowing the computer to access and use it when needed.

What is latin word of physical education?

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The Latin term for physical education is "educatio corporalis."

Do you capitalize teacher in Physical Education teacher?

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Yes, capitalize "Teacher" when referring to a specific job title such as "Physical Education Teacher."

Components of PFSTT?

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The PFSTT model stands for Preparing, Focusing, Sustaining, Transferring, and Training. It is a framework for developing sustainable trauma therapy programs for communities affected by disasters. Each component represents a stage in the process of delivering trauma-focused interventions and services.

Who are the Nigerian pioneers in physical Education?

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1. prof.[mrs] philomena ikulayo

2. isaac akioye

3. Harding James Ekperigin

4. prof. M.O. Ajisafe

5. Prof. Emiola Lasun

What are the branches of physical education?

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sports medicine. orthopaedics. gerontology. pediatric orthopaedics. food sciences

What is te major goal of physical education?

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To progress and learn to play with a team and work as a team, ether that or just to get buff and get all the girls! That's why I go through with it.

How is physical education related to dance?

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Physical education is important in relation to dance to keep the body supple. Dancing also plays an important part in physical education. Dances broken down into separate moves contributes to working out the muscles in every part of the body.

What are the four aspects of development in physical education?

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1. organic

2. neuromuscular

3. interpretive

4. emotional

What is need and importance of research in physical education?

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Asked by Wiki User

Need of research is in physical education becoz research has given new dimensions to physical education with the use of science and modern technology neither the analysis nor the improvemet of human movement is possible..RESEARCH has helped sports swentists to record the athletic potential in early phases of life today in sports with the help of gain the speed,wind flow surface of track modified equipments or sports wear etc.

What is the important physical education in Philippines?

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ang physical education ay

Differences between physical education in Sparta and physical education in Athens?

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Physical Education in Sparta was military education where a child had to join at the age of 7 years. Physical Education in Athens was also military education, but they joined after 12 years.

History of physical education in ancient Greece?

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During the Renaissance period in Europe there were war games to be played and stamina races. For physical education purposes people trained for a specific endurance test, like javelin throwing, jousting, and running.

Does social health influence physical health?

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Yes, it does. Social health influences physical health greatly. First of all, if you are not a very social person and you are a miserable person, your body will actually react. If a person experiences enough depression, physical health will break down. If you are a social person, it has been proven that you will be healthier than a person that has no one.

Why Physical Education is good for you?

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the importance of physical education to our health that PHysical education is also consider as a body exercise...WELL exercise is the most best way to prevent from diseases and remain fit,healthy GOOd BODY...BeCAUSE when we perform exercise its seems that our muscles..are STRECHING..and it also helps our bLOOD circulate in a PROPER wAY..

History of physical education during dark ages?

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No. There was no need. The people of the time had physical challenges in everything they did. They had to walk everywhere, they hunted, had weapons practice, and worked on the crops. If a building was built there were no machines to help and required people to carry the stones and pull the stones to where they were going to be placed.

6 phases of Physical Education?

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Phase 1 - General development of strength, mobility, endurance and basic technique

Phase 2 - Development of specific fitness and advanced technical skills

Phase 3 - Competition experience - achievement of qualification times for main competition

Phase 4 - Adjustment of technical model, preparation for the main competition

Phase 5 - Competition experience and achievement of outdoor objectives

Phase 6 - Active recovery - planning preparation for next season

What is the meaning and importance of physical education?

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Physical education is the systematic education to develop a man physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially through the medium of Physical Activity.
Physical education is the systematic education to develop a man physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially through the medium of Physical Activity.

The role of general education in physical education?

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role of physical education in genral education

When was physical education started?

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The brief history of physical education would start in just about 1820 when schools focused on gymnastics, hygiene training and care and development of the human body. By the year 1950, over 400 institutes had introduced majors in physical education. The Young Men's Christian Association launched its very first chapter in 1851 and focused on physical activities. Colleges were encouraged to focus on intramural sports particularly track, field and football.

Why is the physical education was part of the curriculum?

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i beleve PE (physical edd) is still part of the curriculum and im not 100% sure about this but im think it is posibly because it keep the children healthy so they donot get obese

History of physical education during the Spanish period?

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The answer would be:

The brief history of PE in Pre-Spanish Period

The aborigines of the Philippines, the Negritos and Aetas the first people who migrated here in the Philippines, had a way of life the same way to any other peoples living in the primitive society.

The only motivations for physical activities were for survival in connection with their quest for food and protection against the hostile environment where they must leap, run, walk, jump and climb trees.

If you want read more you can find the article at the site attached as a related link.

What are the types of physical education?

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Physical education consists of two main areas - activity and health. Not only does physical education train students in a variety of physical activities like jump roping, exercise techniques, and sports, but it also trains them in healthy habits that can endure for the rest of their lives.

Different between sports and physical education?

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Physical education is often taught in schools, in divided classes, teaching different age groups different types of physical education. However, physical activity is only groups of students playing different games and having fun according to their own preferences.